Chapter Three

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It was nearly midnight before the last dorm mate was steadily asleep. The four of them were chatting up a storm about homework and the usual gossip Cho and Marietta liked to talk about.

Olive, of course, was still awake.

She was sitting by the window, writing, like usual. Her pen worked quickly and swiftly across the smooth paper, the ink flowing smoothly. The ink stained her left hand as she went along, but barely smudged her writing.

A loud crash came from outside- causing the Lark girl to shift her attention.

Of course- they were setting up a prank on the Quidditch pitch because the Ravenclaws had practice tomorrow. They'd been at school for almost two weeks, and now they're already trying to playfully sabotage the other teams' practices.

With a huff and a small ounce of courage building in her veins, Olive got up, sliding on her shoes as she exited the dorm room.

These were her fellow housemates and one of them happened to be her best friend- she didn't want anything to happen to them.

As she snuck out from the common room, she quickly morphed herself into a cat, running around the halls to the outside. A lot of the owls and cats roamed around the castle since it was empty. During the day, the halls were full and students sent their owls out to send letters. This was their only free time.

As Ollie pattered quickly outside into the chilly night, she couldn't help but still feel scared. What if they knew it was her?

Well, most students saw Olive as just another random Ravenclaw, the one who never really spoke up and was always covered in ink. Tonight, she was just a black cat wanting to mess with the masters of messing around. No one had to know who she was. She was like one of those cats who pushed things off shelves, or knocked mugs full of coffee or tea from the counter.

She wasn't Olive Lark tonight.

The twins were setting up an elaborate prank, involving trip wires that had to be triggered, and lots of hair dye in all sorts of colors that lasted for about a week.

This is going to be fun. Ollie thought to herself, jumping onto a beam in the Quidditch stands- watching the twins finish setting up the hair dye- which was in all sorts of colors from neons to pastels.

"If this doesn't work, Freddo, I don't know what will." George said with an amused smirk.

"The next prank will work, I reckon, if this doesn't."

"Well, obviously, just being humble."

The two looked at each other, and burst into laughter.

"Like that would ever happen!" The two of them chimed together, high-fiving each other loudly.

"This will certainly add a little color to the Ravenclaw Quidditch team's lives."

"I wonder if this'll last until the game."

"Most likely."

"Good working, George."

"Pleasure, Fred."

"I wonder if Harry will still fancy Cho Chang when she has yellow hair."

"I don't know... He doesn't seem like the picky type."


"You think we can get her friends, too?"

"If they come to practice."

Ollie let out a grumbled sigh, which caused the twins to turn their heads in her direction. The cat froze, staring at the ginger twins with her big blue eyes.

"Look, Fred, an admirer of our work."

"Nice to meet you, kitty."


Ollie walked over to a trigger wire, much to the twins' protests. She pulled it with her paw, staring at the two boys with her big, intensely blue eyes.

That's when the hair dye explosion went off.

Fred and George let out a series of swears as they were covered in semi-permanent hair dye. Their hair was colored in embarrassing pigments, even their eyebrows and parts of their skin. Ollie watched in her cat form with a small on her face. No one deserved to be pranked like that, especially during Quidditch practice.

She had pranked the pranksters.


"Yes, George?"

"How permanent is that hair dye?"

"Well, you said you wanted it to stay. I grabbed semipermanent."

"Any way to get this out?"


"That cat is laughing at us, isn't it?"


Olive shook her tiny cat head and decided to leave, giving the twins a look with her big blue eyes before scurrying off into the night with the flick of her tail.

I can't wait until Nat and Cho hear about this. She thought, entering the castle. The Ravenclaw common room was conveniently by the library, which was close to where Ollie was going.

That night was rather successful for Olive, who usually never saw herself doing anything like that.

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