Chapter Thirty

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"You forgive me, don't you? James would have forgiven me. You look just like him." Peter looked around the room, and his eyes landed on Olive.

"You look just like Evette! Like dear Missy! Oh how you've-"

"Shut up." Sirius snapped, "Tell Harry how you betrayed them! How you betrayed the two people you were lucky enough to call family."

"Harry! I'm so sorry! Harry, forgive me! You forgive me, don't you? James was such a good man. A good brother!" He grabbed the bottom of Harry's jeans, kneeling down and kissing his shoes.

"Get off!" Harry kicked Pettigrew off of him, "Tell me what happened. Now."

"I was doing what I had to do to survive!" Peter cried, "You understand, don't you?"

"I would have rather died than betray James." Sirius growled, grabbing Peter by the collar, "Tell Harry about that night! Lily and James made your their Secret Keeper because they trusted you. They thought they made the right choice. Instead- you told You Know Who where they were! You cut off your finger, killed a bunch of muggles, and faked your own death."

"I just wanted to live! Please don't kill me now! What about forgiveness? And mercy? And being friends?!" Peter pleaded, whimpering and shaking like a crying child. Olive pitied the man- mostly because he thought what he did was right.

"We aren't going to kill you." Olive said, her voice quiet as she observed the whole scene, "We're turning you in."

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you kind girl! Kind Olive! I remember you when you were just a little kid! You look just like Evette!" Peter grabbed at Olive's shoes, but the girl backed away before he could get there.

She quickly casted a charm that turned Peter back into his animagus form. Lupin snatched the rat from the ground, holding it by the tail as Olive opened the enchanted jar. Peter was dropped in the jar, and the lid was closed tightly.

"He won't be getting away any time soon." Lupin said, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"So you're innocent?" Harry asked Sirius, stuck in some sort of shock from the past couple minutes of epic news.

"Yes." Sirius nodded, "I didn't betray your parents, Harry."

"Bloody hell." Ron exclaimed, clinging onto the bed post with a pale and clammy expression, "I've been harboring a mass murderer in my family for twelve years."

"You'll get over it." Harry helped his friend to his feet, wrapping an arm around him so he could stand properly. Sirius quickly went to Ron's other side, helping the red head evenly distribute his weight off his bad leg.

"Before it gets too late, we should head back to the castle." Lupin advised, warily glancing down at his watch, "I'll get Snape. Olive, you have Peter, and Sirius and Harry be careful with Ron. Hermione, at the base of the Whomping Willow there's a knot. If you press it, the tree will relax."

"Yes, Professor."

Everyone slowly was starting to make their way back into the tunnel, ready to turn in Peter and clear Sirius's name. Olive had a firm grip on the jar, Peter scratching at the sides and squealing for help. Every time he would try to turn back into himself, the enchantment would kick in and turn him back into the rat.

"Sorry for accusing you, for everything." Hermione piped up, "I think it's brave of you for helping Sirius."

Olive turned to the bushy-haired third year, "He's innocent. He deserves to have his name cleared."

There was a pause.

"H-how did you figure out I was the cat?"

"Your eyes. They're very blue." Hermione noted, "I saw the cat once with the same eyes."

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