Chapter Forty

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It was not a fun morning.

Everyone was exhausted from the night before, having only a few short hours of sleep before they had to be on their way. No one really spoke as they walked through the remaining camp, across the fields towards the portkey, not wanting to annoy any overly-groggy teens with a serious case of bed head.

Olive, still half asleep, walked next to Cedric with her eyes fixed on the ground. Her body was sore from the previous night, her scrapes and bruises aggravated by her quick dressing and speedy packing.

"As soon as I get home I'm going straight back to bed." Cedric groaned, "I'm so tired."

"Me too." Olive yawned, rubbing the sleep from her tired eyes. She and her cousin walked towards the back of the large group, and the Ravenclaw was taking advantage of their position. Every now and then she'd steal a glance at George, her brows furrowed and eyes studying him closely.

She didn't know why she was doing this... but she was still wearing his jumper and he hadn't asked for it back. Plus, the way he acted last night was strange. Sure, George was nice to her... but he was never that nice. What was going on?

And why was she acting like a complete weirdo about it?

"Go talk to him." Cedric whispered to Ollie, obviously not oblivious to the girl's stolen glances at a certain ginger.

"What?" Olive's eyes went straight towards the ground, widened slightly. Her cheeks flushed, and her whole body stiffened.

"I'm not completely thick. I know when someone has a crush." Cedric shrugged, arms folded across his chest like a knowledgeable hero.

"Yet it took you nearly a year to realize Cho fancied you." Olive retorted, "I don't have a crush, I'm just thinking."

"About George?"

Olive punched Cedric in the arm, "No, Ced. Just drop it, okay?"

"Alright, fine." Cedric put his hands up in defense, "I'll drop it."


"I swear." The Hufflepuff nodded, "If there was something going on, with anyone, you'd tell me though... right?"

Olive pretended to think about it for a minute, a small smirk on her lips, "That depends. Are you going to act like a complete git about it?"

They came to the same mangy old boot they had used to travel the previous day, sitting in the middle of a large field. Everyone eagerly gathered around it, sad that their small trip was cut short but excited to go home so they could sleep a few more hours.

"You know the drill, everyone." Arthur said, "Everyone put a finger on the portkey."

The trip was as dreadful to Ollie as the first one. She was certain that she was going to faint or vomit from all the spinning, and had almost forgot to let go of the boot because of her motion sickness.

However, once they landed and Olive was given a few minutes to settle her stomach and ease her dizziness, she was fine. Her face and hair had started to turn green, quite literally, but with the fresh summer breeze and cool morning air she didn't heave up her dinner from last night like she thought she was going to.

"Everyone alright?" Amos Diggory asked once everyone had gathered themselves after the particularly bumpy portkey trip.

The teens all grumbled an incoherent 'yes' as they shouldered their backpacks once again. They were in the same field that they left in, which was empty except for someone charging right towards them, still in their pajamas.

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