Chapter Nine

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The Ravenclaw girls' dorm remained quiet for the night, everyone sound asleep. The only thing that could be heard was the soft snoring of Cho and Nat, and the twitchy foot of Marietta that softly hit the bed with a small thump.

When the girls returned to the dorm earlier that evening, they found Ollie fast asleep in her bed, her hand gripping her pen and her face resting on a fresh page in the notebook. Nat removed the notebook from underneath her head and grabbed a pen (not before Cho snapped a quick picture with Marietta's muggle Polaroid camera) then tucked her blanket over the sleeping girl. They knew Olive got cold sometimes, so they didn't want her waking up with a stuffy nose or headache.

Then, they found themselves fast asleep shortly after.

As the night when on with everyone fast asleep, the door to the girls' dorm quietly opened, barely even squeaking. The small patter of footsteps entered the room, enough to slowly wake Ollie from her sleep.

Her eyes slowly opened to find a black dog staring at her, inches from her face.

She sat up, startled by the sight of the poor-looking dog, skinny and mangled.

But how did it get in here?

The dog just stared at Ollie, it's grey eyes wide as it sat there, panting quietly. The girl stared back at the dog, unsure of what to do or say.

She reached a hand out, cautiously, and gave the dog a nice pat on the head. Was this a dream? Or was the dog actually sitting in front of her?

Olive quietly got up from her bed, and walked over to her trunk, where she pulled out a small bag of snacks Nat had gotten her at Honeydukes and the tea shop. As she grabbed her wand, she motioned for the dog to follow her into the common room.

All of her inner conscience told her not to feed this dog, that it was bad news, but Ollie couldn't help it. She wanted to help the dog, who seemed cold and hungry. No matter how it managed to get in here, Ollie felt this need to help the dog.

She sat down by the dying fire, using her wand to keep the flames alive. The dog sat down on the ground next to her, tilting its head. Ollie offered the dog a warm smile, and rummaged through her bag to find something that the dog could eat.

Quickly, Ollie found some biscuits, and laid them out on a napkin for the shaggy black dog to eat.

"Go on, you look hungry." Olive whispered, motioning for the dog to eat, "I know it's not a juicy piece of steak, but it's the best I've got without leaving the common room."

The dog quickly devoured the biscuits, munching happily as he wagged his tail. Ollie let out a small chuckle by the warm fire, eating a small toffee herself.

She adjusted her position sitting on the floor, smiling as the dog curled up next to the fire, his tail wagging every once in a while.

Soon enough, Ollie found herself smuggling against the dog, sharing the warmth by the fireplace. She patted his head, offered him another biscuit, and closed her eyes.

Sleep came over her rather quickly, much to the girl's protest. She wanted to spend more time with the poor dog that entered her room in the middle of the night.

But like magic, she was sound asleep.


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