Chapter Seventy-Seven

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The early springtime breeze was enough to put a little skip in anyone's step, especially after the exceptionally chilly winter. With the snow finally melted and tiny buds starting to peek through on bare trees, nearly everyone was outside enjoying the mild day if they had the time.

Olive was humming quietly to herself as she walked back from the Owlery, letter from Missy tucked under her arm. She was excited to open it back in the comfort and privacy of her dorm, considering it had been a while since she had heard from her sister. After their conversation in the Forbidden Forest late last November, she was hoping Missy might have left a tiny clue on Sirius's case.

Practically everyone who did not have class was outside, either doing homework in the courtyard or simply hanging out with friends in the grass. Ever since the Second Task, which had Cedric and Harry tied for first place, students and staff alike were overall in better moods. It seemed that no matter what, the TriWizard Champion would have a Hogwarts student as its victor.

And it wasn't just that possibility that was keeping Olive in a good mood.

As she reentered the castle, Ollie unbuttoned her jacket and adjusted her Ravenclaw scarf so that it hung almost lazily around her neck, much like an untied tie. Lately she felt less anxious and increasingly happier.


Obviously, it was George.

She didn't exactly know what to call what she and George were. They hadn't put a label on it or anything, unless kissing counted as that, but Olive wasn't sure. She was relatively new at this.

Olive turned her head to see the Weasley in question jogging to catch up. He had his bookbag under his arm, and was hastily rolling up the sleeves of his robes to accommodate for the warmer weather blowing in from the courtyard.

"Hi." She giggled as he slid to a stop next to her, nearly tripping over his own feet as he did so, "That was slick, Georgie."

The ginger playfully nudged her arm, "Was that sarcasm I heard?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She shrugged, batting her eyelashes innocently up at him, "How was class?"

He shrugged, "Alright. You know how tedious Transfiguration is."

Olive nodded, "Definitely not my strongest class."

George noted the letter tucked under her arm, "From your sister?"

"Yeah." The Ravenclaw smiled as she glanced over her sister's handwriting, "Haven't heard from her in a while, I wonder what they're up to..."

Her heart almost seized in her chest, her eyes widening slightly as she cleared her throat. How dumb was she? As much as she trusted George, it wasn't exactly her place to casually mention they were harboring a wanted supposed mass murderer in their flat.

"They're?" He quirked a brow, noticing Olive's face suddenly going slightly pale, "Isn't it just you and your sister?"

The Ravenclaw shrugged, "Well, yeah, but we've... we've also got a dog. You met him over the summer, remember?"

George nodded, "I don't think he liked me that much."

Olive forced a laugh, "He's very selective with who he likes a first."

"Olls." He stopped, grabbing her hand, "Is everything okay? You seem like you don't want to tell me something."

It's not like I don't want to... I can't tell you...

Guilt twisted in her chest as she looked up at him, searching for the right words to say as she gazed into her eyes. She didn't want to lie to George, that was the last thing she wanted to do. However, she didn't want to risk putting her family at risk, especially since the Ministry was constantly around due to the Tournament.

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