Chapter Fifty-Five

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"Harry Potter?"

The boy's name echoed around the Great Hall by a great number of people. Olive's head immediately turned to look at Harry, who sat rigidly. His eyes were fixed on Dumbledore, widened in shock, his mouth slightly open in protest.

"Harry Potter." Dumbledore said again, as if trying to believe what was happening.

Olive's heart sank, her eyes furrowing with worry as the fourteen year-old slowly rose from his seat, taking hesitant steps towards the front of the Great Hall. He looked mortified, which gave the Ravenclaw the impression that he had no idea what was going on.

"Oh no." She whispered, looking down at her lap in dismay. She didn't want the poor Gryffindor to get into any trouble, because she knew he had nothing to do with this. Why put his name in when he would be over three years younger than his competitors? Why enter when the dangers, especially when faced vastly unprepared, outweigh the prize.

A heavy, awkward tension filled the hall. While some students seemed baffled by Harry's name being drawn, even elated, other's were bitter and crude in their remarks. Harry Potter had faced a lot of trouble the last three years, and certainly not by his choice (even if people didn't believe it). He had gained a rap for wanting to be the center of attention. 

"I can't believe he'd do that." Cho whispered to her two friends, shaking her head in disbelief.

Olive furrowed her brows, sending the youngest of the trio a pointed look, "What... what are you saying?"

"Obviously he had someone put his name in for him."

Sending a quick look over to the boy in question, who was on his way over to the front of the hall, Olive bit her lip.

"I don't know, Cho." She kept her gaze on the Gryffindor, "Look at him, he had no idea."

Natalie leaned her chin on the palm of her hand, blowing up a puff of air that ruffled the baby hairs around her face, "Yeah, I agree with Ollie on this one. Why enter a tournament when the competition is older and more experienced than you?"

As Harry joined the rest of the champions at the front of the Great Hall, they were all quickly escorted into the Trophy Room behind them. Dumbledore gave wary looks to the Ministry representatives in charge of the Tournament and the other Headmasters. It was clear they were all miffed at what was going on.

"You're all dismissed for the evening." Professor McGonagall's shrill, commanding voice bounced off the walls of the large room. All other whispers and chatter immediately ceased at her announcement.

"I'm going to go find Cedric." Obviously Cho wasn't going to argue anymore, even if she still believed Harry entered his name on purpose, "To congratulate him."

Olive gripped her notebook tightly to her chest as she rose from her seat, trying to stay close to Nat as they walked among the sea of students heading out of the Great Hall. The prefects tried to keep it organized, but the overwhelming sea of desperate students trying to get back to their common rooms (most likely to gossip about what just happened) proved to be completely chaotic.

The Ravenclaw quickly lost the blonde in the crowd, but she still kept pushing through with her head down in order to keep up with the rest of her house. However, she was lost in thought, her brows scrunched in worry as she kept glancing back at where Harry had been standing at the front of the Great Hall.

What was going to happen to him? Were they going to expel him? Would they let him compete?

She hardly knew him, but she promised Sirius she would keep an eye on him. Harry was the closest thing he had to a son, to a family right now (aside from Missy and Remus).

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