Chapter Fifteen

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The Holidays seemed to come around quicker than anyone expected. The snow had already started to fall the first of November, but that was only the sign of an early winter.

Missy Lark had wrote to Olive just a week before the girl was going to head home on the train- telling her to stay at Hogwarts this year, something from work has come up. Of course, Ollie wasn't sad or upset, because Missy was doing everything she could to support herself and her younger sister.

The only thing that would have made Ollie's Christmas as Hogwarts better, was if her friends stayed along as well. Cho lived furthest away from Hogwarts than cousin Cedric or Natalie- so she always went home. Nat often stayed at Hogwarts over the holidays, but since Mrs. Arnold had another baby- she had to go home and meet the new addition.

Cedric had invited Ollie to come and stay the Holidays at his house. They usually ended up seeing each other over break anything because they were related, but this time, Ollie politely declined, saying that Missy would prefer if she stayed at the school.

So that left Olive all alone in the Ravenclaw common room. Everyone seemed to be going home this Christmas due to Sirius Black out 'on the run'. In reality, he stayed near Hogwarts all these months. Ollie visited him every once in a while, bringing food and spare blankets when she could. But Sirius said he found somewhere to crash for a little while, at least for the winter months anyways, and not to worry about her.

She only hoped he was telling the truth. Sirius could be a bit dramatic sometimes, especially when he told stories about his time at Hogwarts with Missy, Professor Lupin (who Sirius often referred to as Moony for some reason), James, and that rat.

Incase he was truthful in telling her he'd be off somewhere, she gave him his Christmas presents early. Ollie gave Sirius some warmer socks, an old jumper that was far too big for her, and as much food and water she could cram into a box as possible.

Curling up by the fire, Olive was trying to write in a few last things before dinner. It was the first night on the break- the day before Christmas Eve. She wanted to send home a newly finished story to Missy as part of her gift, so tonight would be the night she would aim to finish it before sending.

She wrote quickly, in the same trance that Olive always appeared to be in when she wrote. To her, the world seemed to stand still as she wrote her little heart out, finishing the last juicy details to her novelette.

This one was a spin on some of the muggle fairytales that Nat had told her about. Missy knew nothing of them, so Ollie figured to put a bit of a twist to make things a bit more interesting than what Nat described as "Disney Movies"- with new curses and romances, but still keeping the general integrity of the original tales. It was titled Once Upon a Time...

Closing the notebook she had gotten to write the story in, Ollie quickly used a simple charm to wrap it into a small box with a purple bow on top. She attached the rest of her gift to the package, and gave the present for her older sister to the owl that say patiently waiting.

"To Missy's house, okay? Thanks little guy." She fed him an extra treat, watching as he flew off with a content smile.

With that, Ollie hopped off the sofa and exited the Ravenclaw common room, her trainers softly padding on the floor with each content step. She was glad it was the holidays, primarily because she didn't have to wear her uniform everyday. She also had more time to write since she was the only Ravenclaw who stayed at the castle. (The dementors were more present and visible in the wintertime- which scared most students).

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