Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Remember to start practicing your non-verbal spells." Professor Flitwick called out to his class, "Next class I will have each of you demonstrate to me your progress!"

Olive closed her textbook with a sigh, allowing a few students to pass by her desk before she stood. Non-verbal spells were ironically not her strong suit. They required a whole different level of concentration and understanding that she just couldn't get.

Sure, she could cast a non-verbal spell if she really tried, but it didn't feel natural. Casting spells and charms were supposed to feel like an extension of one's self in order to get the desired result. Casting one in any other way could be potentially dangerous.

Olive had a lot of practice to do.

After saying a quiet thank you to Professor Flitwick, her gaze focused towards the door, something moving and waving catching her eye.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were waving to the Ravenclaw, motioning for her to follow them once she exited the classroom. Ollie quirked a brow, unsure if she should be intently curious or worried. She only really talked with the trio when it had something to do with Sirius.

"Miss Lark, a word?"

The Ravenclaw turned back around, a sudden rise of anxiety thumping in her chest. She wanted to meet the Gryffindors outside, as they obviously had something to talk to her about. However, Professor Flitwick rarely asked the girl to stay after class, which meant that it was about something important.

Olive shot a look over her shoulder, which she hoped Harry would understand as 'wait for me.' Turning back to the Charms Professor and her head of house, she nodded.

Flitwick motioned for the girl to sit down, and he drew up a chair across from her desk.

"You did exceptionally well on your O.W.L.'s last term, Miss Lark." He began, "Nearly all O's. You're in the top ten of your class. I'm quite proud."

The Ravenclaw nodded meekly, "Thank you, Professor."

Flitwick quirked a brow, "As you know, it's required that all sixth years meet with their heads of House to discuss career paths once you graduate from Hogwarts."

Olive found herself paling, recalling the conversation she had with Remus just before the start of the year. She had no idea what she wanted to do, and the only plan she did have was not what most people would consider a practical one. She'd been told time and time again that writing wasn't a secure career option.

"Yeah, I've talked about it at home." She found herself saying, "My sister reminded me."

"Did she? Good." Flitwick took out a square of parchment from his pocket. From Olive's perspective, it appeared to be every Ravenclaw in her year, accompanied by dates and times in which they would meet with him to discuss their futures.

"It's been quite busy around here with the Tri-Wizard Tournament going on. How about just after the Holidays? Say... January the Fourth right after class?"

Olive had no idea what she'd be up to by then, but figured this meeting would be one of the deciding factors on what she'd be doing for the rest of her life. She nodded, her eyes shifting to the door in slight restlessness.

"That works perfectly." Her voice was quieter, "Thank you, Professor."

Flitwick sat back, pausing for a moment as he looked across the table at Olive. For most of the students in his House, he already had a clear idea of where they might want to end up after they graduate Hogwarts. For the timidly shy sixth year in front of him, he remained still guessing.

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