Chapter Five

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After walking out of History of Magic with bored expressions, Nat and Olive did their best to stay awake. Ravenclaws may be intelligent and witty, but sometimes that included things that didn't involve schoolwork altogether. They could be quite the procrastinators at times.

"If Professor Binns says one more thing about the goblin revolution, I think I'm going to puke." Nat yawned, tying up her blonde hair with a spare hairband as they made their way back to the Ravenclaw common room.

"At least you weren't poor Gertrude from Hufflepuff who actually puked when he explained the diseases caught during the battle of the tombs in Egypt." Olive explained, shuddering.

"Good point." Natalie said, making a face as they passed the library- where a ton of students were heading before supper, mostly because they were slammed with homework from Professor Snape. Luckily, though, it was Friday, and they had the whole weekend before turning in the essay.

Olive then saw a pair of tie-dye clad heads of hair running past them as Cedric was walking fast-paced after them. He was covered head to toe in red and gold glitter, and kept on sneezing it up.

"Looks like your sabotage didn't last long." Nat whispered to Ollie as Cedric stopped in front of them, coughing up a cloud of glitter. Whipping out her wand, Olive said a quick vacuuming spell to suck up and destroy all of the glitter off of her cousin, biting her lip to keep from stifling out a small laugh.

"What happened, Ced?" Nat asked, folding her arms as he coughed up the last of the glitter. The fifth year Hufflepuff looked a bit annoyed for the first time in his life, adjusting his disheveled robes from when he was chasing after the two who were behind this glitter explosion.

"I was about to show Professor Snape my finished Draft of the Living Dead, when it exploded, and I was covered in glitter. Next thing I know, those two rainbow twins over there were laughing and making a run for it as class let out." Cedric explained, letting his usually straight shoulders slump forward a bit.

"Ouch. I bet Snape just laughed." Olive sighed, looking at where the two trouble makers disappeared around the corner. That's when she remembered the conversation she overheard on the way to DADA that morning.

"They're gonna prank the Ravenclaw Quidditch team again tonight." The Lark girl blurted out, louder than she usually spoke.

"How do you know?" Nat asked, "Did you spy on them? Can I join you?"

"I heard them talking about it this morning on the way to class and all through DADA." The raven-haired girl admitted, "And I think this is the job for a certain black cat."

Cedric smiled, and patted the two Ravenclaw girls on the shoulders before cheering in delight, "I never thought I'd see you quietly standing up to them like this." He stated to Olive, who looked down at her feet shyly.

"No one knows it's me... Plus, it's just a cat who's messing with them." Ollie sighed, "Do you think I would ever have the guts to do something like that? Remember Hogsmeade last year? That was awful."

Natalie and Cedric exchanged excited glances before turning back to their feline-morphing friend.

"Well, are you gonna mess with them?"

This is the stupidest idea I've ever heard of, and I came up with it! Olive thought to herself as she placed a shielding charm around herself before morphing into her black-cat form. Nat had her friend's notebook, pen, and warm cloak in the stands. All Ollie had to do was mess up the twins' plans and scurry back up as herself to the stands before anyone knew it was her who's the kitten.

Easier said than done.

She knew the twins would be on the look out for her, which is why she put the shielding charm on herself to ward off any tricks the two Weasley boys decided to pull on her, well, the cat.

As she scurried from her dorm room and out of the Ravenclaw common room, she remained hidden from view as she ran to the Quidditch pitch as practice was just getting started. She spotted Nat carrying her stuff wrapped in her cloak walking down to the pitch, and then saw Cho chasing the snitch as she flew through the air.

They didn't prank them yet. Ollie still had some time to mess with the twins.

She made her way unseen under the stands, hiding in the shadows as she peeked around for Fred and George. They were no where to be found, and as she stalked around, she couldn't find them. Perhaps they found out that Olive was indeed the cat, and this was a trap just to prove their theory.

Ollie shook her head at the idea and made her way to the team locker rooms to morph back into herself.

That's when she heard the chatting.

"You think they'll enjoy having tongues the lengths of eels?" Fred asked his brother as they poured the potions into the water cooler.

"Or perhaps they'll like it when their heads are the size of Hagrid's pumpkins." George snickered as he placed the enchanted trip wires that activated the jinxed dung bombs.

Olive stalked into the room unseen, quickly developing a plan to turn Fred and George's pranks on themselves. Most of their trip wires were concealed under benches, which would be easy to set off. The only problem was getting them to drink the spiked water in the cooler.

"Almost set?"

"Just a few more-"

That's when Ollie sprang into action, tripping the wires to allow the dung bombs go off. She scurried into a changing tent, where she morphed back into herself as the twins fell victim to their own prank. She quickly mumbled 'bombarda' to explode the water cooler on top of them.

She had to admit, seeing them with giant heads and abnormally long tongues was quite funny, but now Olive had to make her presence known, then make her escape.

Quickly she morphed back into the black cat and pranced arrogantly out of the changing room, flicking her tail back and forth as she hopped onto the bench.

The twins, stumbling around from the weight of their heads, looked at her, and immediately looked for their wands to hex the black cat that messed up their pranks.

That's when Cho and the rest of the Quidditch team came into the locker room to see what the ruckus was about.

Boy, did they want to laugh.

Ollie let out a loud meow before hopping from the bench and strutting out of the locker room, letting the entire Quidditch team watch her exit.

She dashed under the bleachers before morphing back into herself, smiling as she made her way around the bleachers and entered as one normally would. Nat handed Olive her robes to put over the rest of her uniform, and quickly grabbed onto her notebook.

The Quidditch team walked out, Fred and George behind them sporting big heads and long tongues. Again, they looked around the stands for the black cat with immensely blue eyes as they headed away from the stands to go to the Hospital Wing.

Olive's glance met George's, and she raised her eyebrows with amusement before turning back to her writing when she felt her cheeks grow hot (they often did when she felt too much attention was on her).

As George took his glance off the Ravenclaw girl, he couldn't help but wonder if there was something she was hiding. Then again, it could be nothing.

Sending Fred a confused look, the two headed off the pitch together to go see Madame Pomfrey.

Still, they could feel the intense blue glance of the cat burning into the back of their swelled up heads .

| Inked | (George Weasley)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora