Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The tunnels in the Womping Willow were narrow and winding. It was spooky, the way even the tiniest sound echoed off the walls. Olive made sure to keep moving and not to look behind her or else she'd scare the crap out of herself.

She wondered why Sirius made her go all this way. Was he simply sending her somewhere where she couldn't help him? Or was all this part of the plan?

After scampering around in the darkness for a long time, she finally found some light at the end of the tunnel. Olive transformed into her normal self, holding her wand out as she walked up the worn staircase.

The inside of the Shrieking Shack was spooky. There were scratches everywhere, tiny spots of blood, even torn cloth scattered everywhere. Besides the creepy abnormalities of the place, the Shack actually looked like a home. There was a bedroom, living room, a run down kitchen. All of which were scarcely furnished.

"Olive, what the hell-"

The Ravenclaw turned around, wand outstretched as she came face to face with Professor Lupin. Her hair had turned a shocked white, her heart pounding in her ears. Once she saw that it was him, she let out a small sigh, changing her hair back to normal before lowering her wand.

"Professor, I didn't mean to point-"

"It's okay." Lupin sighed, "I just didn't think Sirius was going to let you help out."

"I was adamant." She shrugged, "It would mean to world to him if he could walk free again."

"It would mean the world to all of us." Lupin nodded, "However, I shall advise that what you are doing is dangerous."

"I know." Olive nodded, "It is for a good cause though, yes?"

"Right." Lupin said, taking a seat on the bed of the Shrieking Shack. He looked tired, worn down.

"Missy would be happy to be able to see him." She added, "Legally this time."

"I think we all would. We were very good friends back before everything went to crap." Lupin explained, "Has Missy ever told you any stories?"

The Ravenclaw shook her head, "No."

"When this all settles down, we'll have to get together and tell you all about our time at Hogwarts." He smiled, "Of course, it wouldn't be the same without Ja-"

A growling sound scared the two, taking their attention off the conversation and onto who was coming up the tunnel.

"Is that Sirius?" She asked, hearing some yelling and whining. Lupin had his wand out, pulling Olive behind a door with him. She covered her mouth, desperately trying not to make a single noise.

A few moments later, Sirius appeared, dragging something behind him. Olive thought it would be Peter, who managed to turn into himself somehow, but instead saw the shocking red hair that marked a Weasley.

It was Ron, clutching onto his rat for dear life. His leg was torn up, the pant leg ripped, the bone most likely broken. The skin was torn and bleeding.

"Sirius, you brought the boy?!" Lupin came out from hiding, running his hand down his face "And you nearly ripped his leg off!"

Ron whimpered in fear, scooting himself further away. Olive stepped out from her hiding place, brows narrowed in concern for the Weasley. He looked like he was in a lot of pain.

"You!" Ron shouted, pointing at Olive with an accusing finger, "I knew there was something weird about you! You're helping a murderer!"

The fifth year took another step, "Just listen-"

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