Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The OWL exams came and went, leaving Olive rather confident in her scores. She had spent the whole week studying without interruption, and with Nat and Cedric also taking the exams, they were all able to relate to each other's stress. Even Cho started to study with them to get ahead for next year.

However, she also couldn't stop thinking about her fight with George. She was mad! Infuriated! Hurt! She couldn't help but want to punch him every time she saw him in class. However butt-hurt she was over their argument, she kept on trying to push down the feeling that maybe he had a point.

Sitting at dinner, Olive was angrily stabbing her mashed potatoes with a fork, glaring at her plate as she ate deep in her thoughts.

"What did the mashed potatoes ever do to you?" Nat asked, "I'm rather shocked by your behavior towards puréed starches."

Olive put her fork down, glancing up at her two best and only friends. Cho and Nat returned her stare with expectant ones, waiting for the drama to spill.

"I hate boys." She muttered, tucking a black curl behind her ear. Nat and Cho exchanged a knowing look, having gone through the same situation many times before.

"Tell me about it, Olls." Nat chuckled, "What sort of boy has gotten you all worked up?"

"Not in that way." Olive shook her head, "I just... they're so thick sometimes."

"Is it one of the twins?" Cho asked, "My bet is that it's George."

Olive quirked a brow, "And why would you think that?"

"Because he keeps looking like he needs to talk to you but doesn't." The fourth year added, nodding in he direction of the Gryffindor table. Olive shifted her gaze to glance at the younger Weasley twin, who moved his head and averted his gaze as if he was just looking at her.

"I think he said everything he needed to say." Olive quipped sassily, "I want nothing to do with him."

Natalie put down her fork and knife and turned her body so she was fully facing her raven-haired friend, "And why haven't you told us this?"

"OWLs were coming up, I didn't want to take our attention away from studying." Olive shrugged, "You know how I said I'd help the twins find the black cat?"

"Yeah." Cho nodded, "You said yes so you'd be one step ahead of them."

"Well... they wanted me to help prank people the other day." Olive started, "I just gave them a few spells I read about the other week when I was studying, but they wanted me to prank with them."


"I don't know..." Olive slumped her shoulders, "A few months back when I came back covered in chalk dust, George was the one who helped me get back to my room without landing detention. Maybe he thought it meant something?"

"Did it?" Cho asked, rested her chin on the palm of her hand, "You're acting like it did."

"I don't know... it was fun? But we weren't pranking. We were just... running from Filch." Olive sighed frustratedly, "It was a one time thing."

"Says the girl who has never had boy drama ever."

"I'm not looking for a relationship!" Olive argued, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, "We're only fifth years! I'm trying not to fail my classes for Merlin's sake!"

"Then why do you suddenly want to kill George Weasley?"

"I've always disliked him-"

"Before that wasn't actually hating him." Nat interrupted, "You liked him before. Both of the twins. It's different now. What did the boy say?"

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