Chapter Fifty-Three

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"Ollie, come on!"

"Nat, stop dragging me, I'm perfectly capable of-"

"You walk too slow, Lark, and if we don't get there now I'm going to change my mind."

Natalie Arnold was dragging Olive through the corridors, heading towards the Great Hall. There was only a few hours left for students to submit their names, and Olive was guessing that her blonde friend had decided she wanted to enter.

"Okay." Olive ran a few steps forward so that she was walking next to Natalie, pulling her arm away from the girl, "Just don't do that again, you almost pulled my arm off!"

"Oh, hush." Nat smirked, giving Ollie a playful nudge in the side as they entered the Great Hall. The place was void of the usual four long tables, and in the middle of the large room was the Goblet of Fire. Around the goblet was a faint line drawn in what looked like chalk, which was probably the age line Dumbledore had put in place.

There was about fifty students in the Great Hall. Some were entering their names, some had decided to come with their friends for support, and others were spaced out along the walls, watching attentively.

"There's Diggory." Nat nodded to the goblet. Cedric had a slip of paper in his hand, which was outstretched as he cautiously stepped over the age line. As soon as he was in arm's reach from the goblet, he dropped his name in the blue flames, which flickered and grew in size in reaction to the paper meeting the fire.

He turned away, a modest but excited smile on his face as he hurried back to his friends. Cho was among them, giving her boyfriend a thumbs-up as he rejoined them. The fifth year looked up, waving at Ollie and Natalie as they walked further into the Great Hall.

"Come on." Olive headed over to join their friend, motioning for Natalie to follow.

"I can't believe you did that, Ced." Cho exclaimed excitedly as the two other Ravenclaws joined them. Olive sent her cousin a small smile, raising her brows in surprise.

"Well... I am of age." He shrugged, "And it would be nice to represent the Hufflepuffs for the Tournament. There's also such a small chance I'd actually get chosen."

Olive nodded in agreement. As excited as she was for her cousin, especially since he'd be a great Hogwarts Champion, it was a long shot that'd his name would get chosen. There was at least fifty students from their school who wanted to enter their name.

"Well." Natalie took a small scrap of paper from her pocket, her name scrawled in her usual bubbly handwriting, "Here goes nothing."

"Wait," Cho grabbed Nat's arm, "You're going to do it?"

The blonde nodded, "Yes, I am. Now let me do it before I chicken out, please."

Cho let go of Nat, grabbing onto Ollie's arm instead. The two girls watched as their best friend walked with an air of determination towards the Goblet of Fire. When other approaching students saw that the Ravenclaw was going to enter their name, they stepped back to let her have her chance. There were some whispers, some still about the failed birthday party, but Natalie didn't seem to care. She stepped over the line, dropped her name in the goblet, and then turned away with a look that challenged anyone who dared to say anything about it.

After a moment of staring everyone down, Natalie resumed her walk back to her friends. Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked a bit nervous as she faced the reality of what she just signed up for. However, Ollie could tell she did not regret the decision at all.

"Good job!" Ollie praised the blonde, "I can't believe you actually entered yourself!"

Natalie let out a long, relieved sigh, "Yeah... me neither."

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