Chapter Four

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"You did WHAT?!" Nat exclaimed, causing many heads to turn in the direction of the three friends. Olive covered the girl's mouth, a small smile curling onto her face.

"I'm not going to say it again. But yes, I did."

Nat wrapped Olive into a hug, and Cho put her head in her hands to hide her laughter. They had just found out what Ollie had done the night before, and the three were waiting for the twins to enter the Great Hall with their hairdos.

"That was bloody brilliant."


"They won't know it's you, right?" Cho asked, "Because they will get back at you if they find out."

Olive shook her head, "I was in cat form. They wouldn't know unless they saw me morph."

She took out her notebook and began to write again, waiting for the victims of her prank sabotage to show up. Ollie was quite excited, since as far as she new, they didn't know it was her who was the kitty that screwed up their prank.

That's when they entered.

The whole Great Hall erupted with laughter as Fred and George Weasley made their way to the Gryffindor table, their hair dyed with endless amounts of color.

Fred and George tried to play it off coolly, smiling and waving as if they meant to do that, but everyone knew that none of their pranks ever backfired. Ever. The two were utterly confused as to how that kitten knew how to mess up their plan. Or even what they were doing.

"Nice job, Ollie." Nat whispered to the girl as she giggled. Olive smiled, smirking to herself with a sense of triumph in her gut.

She pranked the pranksters.

And they deserved it.

The twins scanned the Great Hall, possibly looking for a culprit. Quickly, Olive changed the color of her eyes incase they recognized their cobalt blue. As they made eye-contact with her, she simply covered her mouth with a laugh and shrugged her shoulders, going back to her writing.

As the laughter died down, everyone got back to their breakfast, chattering about possible theories as to how the twins' prank backfired.

Cedric, from the Hufflepuff table, wandered over to them with a keen smile.

"Any ideas?" He asked as he took a seat next to Cho, who tried her best to keep from blushing. Olive looked at her cousin, and shrugged her shoulders innocently.

"I heard those two were bested by a cat." Nat offered, elbowing Olive in the gut gently. Cedric raised a brow, his smile widening at the idea.

"A cat?" Cedric raised his eyebrows, gently kicking his cousin under the table. He, of course, knew about Ollie's plans to try and use her morphing abilities to change into a cat. When she and Missy visited them over the summer for a few days, she was the one to confide in him for advice. He would never have guessed she would put her morphing abilities to use like this.

"Yes, a sneaky cat." Olive offered, her hands softly drumming a lost tune on her slightly worn notebook, filled with almost a dozen stories already. She felt proud of herself knowing that besides her small ring of friends, no one would know who was able to prank the two who were the best at pranks in the entire school. It hadn't even happened twenty-four hours ago, and people were already trying to decide who did it.

Yet only Olive and her friends knew.

She stole another look over at the Gryffindor table, where Fred and George were talking to their younger brother, Ron, and his two friends, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. George looked up in her direction, making brief eye contact with Olive. Quickly, she looked away as Cedric spoke.

"And why would a cat do such a thing?" He asked, his smile and gaze directed towards Cho, who simply smiled and turned pink in the process.

"You'd have to ask the cat." She shrugged.

"Well, they were being quite loud." Olive admitted, checking her watch before getting to her feet. Her and Nat had DADA at eight, and it was currently ten 'til. The two of them, along with the rest of the student body (besides a few permanently grumpy Slytherins) thoroughly enjoyed Professor Lupin. He was fun, engaging, and provided lots of hands on activities that taught everyone a lot.

Although, just last week, he was missing for two days. Professor McGonagall ended up covering for him while the students did some book work, and said that Lupin often was ill, so they might be seeing him out for a day or two once in a while.

"We'll be off." Nat announced to Cho and Cedric, who were being awfully flirtatious towards each other, "Try and keep things PG, you two."

While Cedric laughed, Cho turned almost as red as the hair of a Weasley, but nodded her head. Cedric offered Ollie a hug, which she took, namely because she was really close to her cousin. They were almost like brother and sister than just cousins. Cedric didn't have any siblings and Olive considered Missy as a parental figure instead of her sister, so they were really close and often visited each other over the holidays.

Nat tugged on the sleeve of Ollie's robes, and the two were off to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Those two need to get together. Now." Nat whispered to Olive as they exited the Great Hall. The raven haired girl nodded her head in agreement, adjusting her grip on the books in her arms with a knowing look.


"George, mate, what're you staring at?" Fred elbowed his brother in his side as he caught him staring off into the Ravenclaw table somewhere. George looked up from his daze, and turned his attention back to his brother.

"Nothing, I could have sworn her eyes were different last time." George slumped forward, shaking the thought from his head.

"Whose eyes?" Fred asked his twin, who's hair was sporting an array of vibrant colors, just as his was.

"I don't even remember her name... It's nothing." George turned back into his usual goofy self, "Say, Fred, we should throw some dung bombs into Diggory's cauldron today during potions."

"Right idea, mate."

"Watch out for cats." Ginny, the youngest Weasley and the only girl in the group of seven siblings, teased. When she heard from her older brothers that apparently a black cat messed up their prank, she laughed her butt off. No one ever was able to mess up the pranks of Fred and George Weasley- let alone a helpless cat.

"Hey, Ginevra, shut it."

"I think that hair dye is seeping into your brains, guys." She smiled before turning to the girl sitting next to her to continue their conversation.

Fred sighed, and patted George on the shoulder, "We best be getting to DADA."

"Especially if we want to be there fashionably late." The other twin caught on, grabbing his bag and following Fred out the door with their usual chipper moods.

Despite being stuck with tie-dye hair for the rest of the week, they weren't going to let some stray kitten ruin their usual tricks and pranks. It was unusual for anyone to disrupt one of their pranks, so of course when they found themselves walking into the Great Hall with multi-colored hair and eyebrows, questions were being asked.

"Reckon we give the Ravenclaw practice another go?" George asked his other half as they strolled down the hall towards Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Oh, Georgie, I was thinking exactly the same thing."

"Weird, how that happens, eh?"

The twins smirked identical smiles and gave each other a grand high-five, their moods improving greatly once they began to discuss plans for their pranks, coming up with schemes that hopefully no one could disrupt.

Little did they know a certain black cat was listening.

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