Chapter Eleven

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The Forbidden Forest was quite scary, even during the day. The trees were thick, blocking out most of the light, and the ground contained lots of roots peeking up from the dirt, which made it hard for Ollie to run across in her cat form.

She knew that in the thick of the Forbidden Forest, it was impossible for dementors to get through, and that no creature that ever lived there never went to that exact spot.

So obviously, it was where she scurried to.

Why Ollie was in the forbidden forest, out of all places, to have a picnic?

Honestly, she was terrified, shaking to the bone as she made her way to the spot. Olive wanted more than anything to get out of there and head to lunch with Nat, Cho, and Cedric.

But this seemed like the right thing to do, despite who it was for.

Olive fought her way through the remainder of thick tree roots and close trees, peering around the place with her wide blue eyes.

She came across the black shaggy dog, curled up in a rather large indent in a tree- acting as cover from the elements. The small bag of snacks she had the previous night was on the ground beside him, empty of all its contents.

Letting out a small meow, the dog jerked its head up at her, watching the cat intently. Ollie shivered as goosebumps trailed down her skin, oddly terrified of the dog now- even though the night before she was anything but fearful.

The dog stood up, and went to approach her, sniffing the cat out. Olive stood still, the hair on her back rising from her fear, waiting for the dog to try and strangle her for coming out here.

Instead, as the shaggy dog stared into the black cat's cobalt blue eyes, he sat down, letting out a small whimper.

Olive took that as a cue to shift back into her normal self, which caused the dog to back away with its tail in between its legs.

"Don't leave." Ollie said to him as the shaggy dog made a move to leave her there, "I'm not going to hurt you."

She was surprised by the braveness in her tone, despite being absolutely scared out of her mind. The dog stopped to look at Ollie, and seemed to recognize her. He sat down in front of her, waiting for a pat on the head.

She took a deep breath.

"I-I know who you are, Mr. Black. I know it's you." She stammered. The dog froze, staring up at her with wide grey eyes. Olive was shaking, only hoping that Sirius would stay and not wand to rip her throat out- murderer or not.

The dog then shifted into the man who was in all the papers, who was accused of the murder of a bunch of Muggles and his friend, who sold out his two best friends to Voldemort.

Somehow, he didn't seem like the type from what Ollie could make of him.

He was thin, his ripped and tattered robes hanging off of him as he sat across from Ollie. His grey eyes were big, staring wide at the girl. His face was gaunt, almost like a skeleton, his skin stretched across it. The man's hair was long and thinning, falling in dark ratted waves.

Olive stared back at him, unsure of what to do.

"How did you find out?" He asked, his voice hoarse. There was a sort of faded light in Sirius' voice, a hidden kindness that hasn't been shown in years.

Ollie swallowed, unsure if she should trust him. Sirius clearly saw the uncertainty in her eyes, the quivering of her hands and lips. He offered her one of his kind smiles, one he hasn't used in twelve years.

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