2-Without Thinking

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Abid's Pov

Date - 8 August 2015

This is what I want after a long working day.

A great meal.

I am not a working person. But Dad gives me a lot of stuff to do today.

After my meal, I just want to go to bed because I am too tired now. I rested on my cozy bed when my phone buzzed and indicated a new message on Chatsbook. I have friends and girlfriends, but they call or message me directly. I am not chatting with any of them on chatbooks. So I am curious to see who sent me a message at this time.

I pick up my phone and open the message. The message is not what we said, actually. It contains only laughing emojis, sent by a girl named Areena.


I mumbled as I remembered the day when I was sitting alone in a park, waiting for my so-called dramatic girlfriend. She is always late to show me her tantrums. But I did not give her a damn.

All girls are like this. Anyway..!!

I opened my chatbook to pass the time and to search for a new girl. I really like this game: search for a new girl, make her your girlfriend, date her for some time, and then again, search for a new one for some fun and time passing.

I don't believe in love; there is no presence of love on earth. Because if it existed, my mother and father were together. She never cared for me or my dad. My dad loves her so much. But all she wants is money.

So, there is no emotion, no feeling, and no love in me.

Everything is a game. If you want to win, play it smartly.

I searched for a lot of girls that day, but a girl named Areena grabbed my attention. I never send requests to any girl. So I just sent her a funny joke.

Let's see if she replies or not.

But that happened almost three months ago. And now she replied.

I replied to her back, and our conversation started. I found this girl really interesting. She has her own life and thoughts.

She never asked me about my wealth or pocket money, like other girls, whose conversations are started by money. She even did not pay any attention to my surname. She just called me, Mr. Abid. And when I told her about my Arabic course, which Dad forced me to study, She replied very beautifully and encouraged me, too:

"Masha Allah, that's really nice." Very few people of our religion are going to do something in respect of Islam. I really appreciate that."

I really liked the way she her talking. It seems like she paid attention to every word she wrote.

She is in college now. I really don't know how girls find studies so interesting. I wouldn't say I liked it a little bit, but I have to study, otherwise, my dad will kill me. She said she is very foodie like me, I think. She loved to listen to music and go on long drives. She found bikes interesting, and I like that part very much. She did not like shopping, which is really surprising.

Altogether She is different—very different—from others.

I am continuously thinking about her. With a clink, a new message arrived, obviously from her:

"As we talked the whole night, The morning prayer has arrived. So, nice talking to you, Mr. Abd. Talk to you later, Allah Hafiz."

After reading the message, I checked out my surroundings. And she is right. I did not believe myself when I said that I, Abid Abdullah, son of Zain Abdullah, the richest businessman, talked with a girl the whole night.

I never did this before.

I bid her goodbye. I keep my phone beside me and wait for sleep. But the cells of sleep are far away from me. Because my mind is continuously thinking about her... Areena..!!

"How can a girl be so simple?"

This question is continuously running through my mind.

Without further thinking, I typed:

"I really like talking with you. I know it's too early, but I like you. I am eagerly waiting for tonight so that I can talk to you again. Take care, dear."

I sent her the message. I am not in my senses now.

What the hell did I just do?

Now she thinks of me like other boys. I just want her to know that I want to talk to her tonight. I waited for some time, but she did not reply. I think she may have slept or may be angry because of my sudden proposal. Actually, I don't know, and now

I am hella curious!


Areena's pov

"If you don't wake up in the next 2 minutes, then I am forced to take action against you."

I heard these words from a familiar voice. But I don't want to open my eyes. So I grabbed my blanket closer to me and kept my eyes shut.

I suddenly jumped out of bed as a massive waterfall of water threw water on my face. After some time, I am able to concentrate on my surroundings. And the first thing I saw was my beautiful friend Sara's smiling face.

I walked towards her and shouted,

"What the hell did you do now?"

She laughed at me and said,

"I did this to wake you up from your darling sleep as we are already missing our first class. I am going downstairs. Just ready in 5 minutes. We have to leave now so that we will be able to attend our further classes."

She is right—there is no point in fighting. This is all my mistake. If I didn't talk to that guy the whole night, I wouldn't be late.

After attending all our classes, Sara and I went to our favorite restaurant for some food.

My whole day went by without giving me a single minute to think or rest. Mumma wants me to help her shop because, after a month, my cousin's brother's wedding will be held.

I am so excited!

I slept that night without opening my chatbook because I wanted Mr. Abid to know that I am not like his other girls and I am tired too.


I hope you all like this chapter.
There is nothing new but this is important to know for further story.

Thank you for reading.

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