8- UnBelievable

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Areena's pov

Life seems so colorful in love, right?

I always heard this from every love couple and in love quotes. But this is not true. Life becomes hell if you really love someone.

I am thinking all this because of Abid. We met several times after our first date. The first six months with him in a relationship were undoubtedly amazing. I will live my whole life in those months, and I expect it to be a beginning. But I was wrong.

Love is like a thread through which two hearts connect.

But in my relationship with Abid, The thread is cut from Abid's side, As I think, because his behavior and his actions describe everything.

I called Abid a hundred times, but he didn't pick up my calls and even didn't reply to my messages. I really don't know what happened to him. But this is not the first time; for the last two months, he has just been behaving like this. It had been almost two weeks since he last talked with me in an annoyed manner. I really didn't like it and decided that I would not talk to him anymore. But here I am trying to call him, even though he is just ignoring me.

My relationship with him started on this day last year. And at that time, I really don't know that Abid will change that much. He is the first person whom I trust and whom I love.

Ya Allah, I am going insane because of him.

I want to control myself and my emotions, but I can't. I am unable to handle myself right now.

I called him again, as I just wanted to know that he was fine and not in any trouble.

Oh, please, Abid, just pick up the call.

On the last ring, he picks up.

Abid: Are you mad or what?

Me: What happened...?

Abid: Why are you calling me so stupidly...?

Me: Stupidly?? Seriously, Abid, you haven't even talked with me for the last two weeks. I don't even know if you are fine or not.

Abid: So what?

He said it in a bored tone.

Areena: Why are you behaving like this, Abid? What's wrong with you? I am just concerned about you.

Abid: Oh, please, Areena, you don't have to.

UnFading LOVE(Completed)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα