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Abid's Pov

I can't stay here any longer. My heart is aching so much. I can't believe it. She love someone else.

Why she agreed to marry me then??

This question is running in my mind continuously. I want an answer. Its feels like same, when I first saw her with someone else at the airport.

She doesn't love me. She is in love with some one else.

This feels like I am not breathing, but forced to breathe. I went out from the hospital in a rush and start my car with full speed. I don't know where I am going. But I just want to stay away from her. Far away.

She is a cheater.

Anger boiling inside me with each passing minute. I sped up the speed and drive more fast. I don't want to feel like this, its killing me.

She doesn't love me.

I don't want to think about it. Dammit!!

I sped up the car more.

She will leave me.

I don't want to think about it. I don't want to feel like shit. Just then, I remembered,how should I get away from this. I take a sharp U turn and with full speed reach to my destination.

Zimba launge and club

I directly went upstairs.

"I want drugs, john."

I said mostly shouted. He flinch on my tone.

"Are you ok, what happen??"

John asked. But right now, I don't have a time for this fucking shit. I really want to beat up someone badly. But I can't do that. I can't think like this.

"Give me, dammit!!"

I shouted.

"Okay,.. Okay... Have a seat first. I will bring it."

He said. But I don't have that much patience.

What are you doing?? You vow to not take drugs.

Shut up..!! Don't fucking irritate me.

I follow John. He open a slide door and went inside. He open her small brief case and take out  a pouch. I snatched it from its hands and gulped it in one go.

For a minute and two, everything goes silent. I close my eyes to make that thing adjust in my body.

"You have to sit down, Abid."

I heard john voice, but I care less.

I feel extremely light then, everything that's running in my mind flew away. My mind wents blank. I open my eyes,but due to so much dizziness, my feet trembled. Someone caught me on time and made me sit on something. That's so soft. I stretch my legs to make my body relax.

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