ten years later

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She was very strong, courageous to help those she loved. Unless that was me? She protected a girl in an endless night. I wouldn't know why I'd do that? Was it me?
I can feel myself in her eye's. I see myself fighting someone they love. Why doesn't she just go to him? I hit my head twice shaking it away. Shaking away the feeling of the longing I had for a face I never seen.

"You're still up?" His voice snaps me out of it. I turn to see him and smile.

"Just can't sleep, I feel a bit of anxiety." I play with my hair staring out the window.

"You..want to lay with me tonight? It worked that one time before." Suggesting that made me blush but I wasn't in the mood for his romantic gesture.

"I'll be fine Carter, just want to sit here until I take myself to my bed." Emphasizing myself in that sentence. I keep staring outside at the pouring rain.

"Okay well, goodnight Audrey." He reaches for my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. I listen to his footsteps fade away upstairs.

Alone again I inhale and exhale slowly, very deep. Enjoying the rain and thunder dancing in crazy rhythms.

Elsewhere meanwhile~

Within the pouring rain an ambulance enters a faculty. Running in from the rain two polite looking doctors state their reason for coming. And follow a dainty security guard down a hall of screaming patients to an elevator.

"This is where society dumps its worse nightmares." He says, closing the elevator escalating down.

"The one your picking up. Just gives me nightmares- that decade ago; Halloween night he murdered sixteen people maybe more trying to get to his sister. But rumor was there was one person he wouldn't kill, a woman I believe. No one knew who she was. No news came out on it ever. I believe she never existed.
But his doctor of all people. Shot him, six times." The more the security guard explained the uneasier both doctors got.

"Then he set him on fire- both of them nearly burnt to death.. yeah, I'll be glad to see this one gone." On cue the elevator stops. He opens the door.

"Welcome to hell." He adds to the mess.

Now the doctors come upon Michael. Michael Myers all bandaged up and barely restrained to a hospital bed. One checks his vitals while the other gets their transfer confirmed to go.

"I'd assume Dr. Loomis would be here. Michael Myers is still his patient." The doctor ponders while the other checks the papers in a sass.

"If Loomis still had a secretary he'd hear the memos. Unfortunately he's more ceremonial now; with Myers gone I hope he either transfers, retires, or die." The other man responds, giving the paper back to the doctor.

"Alright! Move him." The other doctor calls breaking the tension from across the room.

The rain still pouring outside begins to drench the two doctors again accompanied by the other man and now Michael Myers. Rolling him as quickly as they can to the ambulance. Getting him into the ambulance the man spoke one last time.

"I can safely say Michael Myers is now in your hands." His voice a low monstrous like tone.

"Yeah well I guess you're happy to see him go. Hey the guard said there was one person he couldn't kill, is that true?" The doctor asks before getting in.

"Keep this to yourself now sir." He hands him a file to go with all the other ones he's carrying.

"Locked and loaded!" The same doctor announces, hopping into the ambulance too.

They load in and take off. Street after street with no end to rain.

"Wow, the rumors of the woman are true." The doctor says to the other.

Halloween: Bring me back to you (Michael Myers x oc)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt