Melo Time

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I wasn't sure if it was still the same day. When I opened my eyes for the third time; it felt like it was still the same time of day. I was still bare laying on top of Michael who was still sleeping. I smiled for a moment before thinking about Michael's earlier inner confrontation. I wasn't even sure what it was about. My first thought was he just wanted to find someone else.

"How childish." I whisper onto his chest. I get up not wanting to disturb his rest.

I cover him with the sheet and find my clothes. Once I was dressed I decided to take a look around see where we were exactly. The factory itself was bigger than my original thought. It had many lines of machines coated with dust. This place must've been down for not too long but long enough.
I finally found an exit to the outside, the surroundings of the building was thick forest and a few more abandoned places. I scoped from where I was to see if any could have held at least canned food. One building was tinnier then the other, possibly was once a gas station.

"Bingo." I begin to walk over not worrying of any sort of danger.


Loomis returned to the children's hospital to hear if Carter was spurring trouble still. The investigation was about over and officials began clearing so the area could be cleaned up. Children were still spooked some were pulled out from parents. Jamie was in a new room with Tina who hadn't left since the incident. He decided to check on her. When he got to the room Jamie was laying on her side dazing off into the window. Tina miraculously alive was sitting next to her on the bed rubbing at her hair. One of her arms was in a cast since she wasn't stabbed anywhere vital.

"How are you holding up Jamie?" He asks just at the entrance of the room.

"Fine." She mutters.

"That's good to hear dear." He responds unsure of what to say next. He stood there awkwardly watching the two of them.

"I'll be right back I'll bring you a snack." She whispers before giving a kiss on her head and gets up to leave. She gestures for Loomis to follow.

"They won't tell me what's happened until it's been decided on how they're going to handle it." She says as they walked.

"Michael took Audrey and they both haven't been seen sense." He answers.

"You know if he did to kill her?" She asks with an almost worried tone.

"Not likely, it was rather poetically fruitful of their reunion." He chimes.

"You saw it?" Tina asks becoming excited of this news.

"We should find somewhere more solitary to discuss this any further." Loomis advises as they made their was down the stairs.

"Meet at the park down the street. I'll go get Jamie a snack." Tina instructs before turning to the kitchen. Loomis does as he was told.


I gave a small squeal when I finally found a can of fruit that wasn't expired. I pulled the tab and checked the inside to be sure it wasn't gross before digging in. The can was labeled fruit cocktail which was sweet. I gorged myself with it all, I can't remember the last time I actually enjoyed eating food. Or for that matter actually eating.
My cheeks were filled with the fruit. I started to chew at a pace to actually enjoy it. As I did I began to ponder. My body was bruising up and dying not only because of my mental state; but because I don't remember eating as much. I was still weak but now that I knew I didn't want to die I have this sort of energy I haven't felt in forever. I was happy.

"Happy." I muffle as I stuff more fruit into my mouth. I finished the can and found a basket to fill with more cans of food that weren't expired yet. I got up to look around a little more. I grabbed some homely items from a few aisles before heading back.
As I did it was starting to feel cold so I rushed my stepping to the building. Maybe I'll see if we can get clothes later. As I got inside I brisk to where Michael was only to find he wasn't there.

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