What next?

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"How was the suspect not apprehended?" Carter paces the hall outside of what used to be my cell of a room.

"Well it was Dr. Loomis who ordered the remaining officers to fall back." The officer responds.

"Then arrest him! We need to find her!" He growls anxiously.

"There is no prior reason to do so. We must only find any clue as to where the killer had taken her sir." The officers responds again growing rather impatient. Carter was going to further the argument until in his peripheral Loomis limps his way from the stair case.

"You son of a bitch!" Carter runs at him but is apprehended himself by the officer.

"She was dying anyways!" Loomis defends.

"You fucking let him take her!" Carter spat his words out.

"You know she would never love you. She never did."

"Fuck you."


It was barely noon so the sun was only rising higher. It blinded Michael awake who was naked and cradling his Audrey in his left arm. She was facing away with her right hand entangled in his. He leans up slowly pulling his arm from under her. She wakes.


The sun was hot against my skin and the air outside couldn't take it away. I felt Michael move behind me; he was probably getting too hot as well.

"You feeling sweaty? Not like we were earlier." I say smiling, he runs his fingers in my hair to turn my head. I see that he hadn't put his mask back on. He was just sitting up enjoying the sun still. At the same time there was a sulk to his stare.

"You're planning on leaving?" I ask now worried.

He turns away taking a breath. I started to worry even more, afraid he didn't want me anymore so I get up on my knees. Not even acknowledging my nudity it's not like he hadn't seen it before.

"Look at me." I pull his chin to face me.

"Look..I didn't go through this all these years to not have us be happy. If you choose to leave me, kill me!" I cry to him, the words make Michael stare directly into my eye's.

"Even if you're going out to find another girl with more energy to help you. Just ki-!" His lips cut my panic attack off. I push back in reaction.

"All these years and you decide to pick a fight n-mph!" Kiss.

"M-what in the actual fu-!" Kiss.

After a few seconds of that struggling I finally pry him away to breathe. He was huffing and puffing as well. Grip still firm on my waist, I had no idea what to make of this.

"Look I know that things are upside down." I sigh lowering my face. Michael leans in kissing me gently.

"We just need to figure it out. Together. You can't just disappear Michael." I pull him back in burying my face in his neck.

His arms curl over my naked figure. He lays back so that I was laying over him, my legs squeeze on both sides of his hips. Again our bodies slipped away into slumber. As if we were sick and trying to heal.

"We've already done that for 11 years." I whisper.


Loomis was now being held in an interrogation room. He was calm and not even stressing. What else he had to lose after spending half his life revolved around one patient.

"Dr. Samuel Loomis, so it seems after all these years you finally stopped fighting the murder that can't seem to die?" The chief walks in slapping files into the metal table.

"Perhaps I found his cure." He replies not even blinking.

"A cure? You've blabbered for years convincing this whole town that, that force that's been killing is sheer evil! Now suddenly it's a man?" He leans in. "Bull. Shit." He grits his teeth angrily.

"I thought so as well. Until I've seen him with her."


"Yes. Audrey Anderson, may as well be Myers now. All of this killing only recently was for her." Loomis explains still staying still.

"What about that original night that decade ago?" The sheriff grew interest now taking a seat.

"That was his rage. That may not have all been about her when I fired her, but it was all that pent up emotions that he can never properly express. She calms that rage." He continues.


"I have no clue as to how she got under his skin. I just assumed it was because she was the only woman he came into contact with." Loomis almost chuckles at his own accusation.

"Love." The sheriff suggests.


"It's been a few days and no killing. Ever since you let him take her, so I'd say that's all the proof we need." The sheriff begins putting the puzzle together in his head.

"Now all we can do is let them be." Loomis nods to himself feeling this was finalized.



"Though the killing may stop they are still criminals. She killed a couple of teenagers the other night, they need to be held but we'll hold them together."

"No sheriff! That'll only lead to even more murders. They refuse to be caged." Loomis almost shouts.

"I'm sorry Dr, it's the law and I can't break that for them." He gets up opening the door behind him.

"You're free to go. I'm sorry but I'll be sure they stay together once we catch them." He holds the door open for Loomis. Loomis gets up and limps out before saying one last thing.

"Do you honestly think he'd let you or anyone lay a hand on her? I consider to be highly careful." He pats the sheriff's shoulder and leaves.

Still figuring out an ending and I'll announce if there will be another book after this one soon. But anyways...
I hope you liked it and leave a comment!
See you next chapter :]

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