Not just me

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That night I couldn't sleep, even behind my eyelids I seen blood pouring. It was ghastly deceiving, I assumed they were finally gone but instead here they are. Torturing me yet again. I tossed and turned, fixed the blankets, flipped the pillow after it became too hot, and even took my pajama pants off in order to get comfortable. No use.

Fuck sake.

I kick the blankets off ferociously slightly sweating from all the movement. I stared at the ceiling with blood splatting onto it. As if someone had been sliced with a sharp object. It felt so real I could swear I feel the blood landing on my cheek. So I close my eyes.


I get up brushing my hair back with my fingers. I pulled some knots out but it didn't hurt. I sigh through my lips, trying to not focus on any part of the room for too long. Quite exhausting after a whole year. Controlling it was a dream.
I walk away from the bed. Stretching my back then arms, before groaning from it I check to see if I woke Jamie. She was sound asleep with her brain monitor on. Hated when they needed that on her.

"Sleep tight kid." I whisper motherly.

I turn my attention to the window walking over. Wind breezes through the stiff, dying leaves. A few fall away here and there. The street light a few yards out dimmed a reflection of me, I briefly glimpse at myself. The hallucination showed I was covered in blood. I shut my eyes tight. Almost slowly I open them back up, across the yard was a man in the shadows of the trees.

"Please." I utter before yanking the window up and open.

I anxiously dove over the sill onto the cold dirt and prance across the dying grass. Forgetting what I even saw. My exhales clouded around in the cold. I search in circles for whoever was there. Once I came to the conclusion I was by myself I questioned as to why I so impulsively just ran off like that.

Geez you're losing it Audrey.

My toes started to sting from the cold. All the way up to my thighs, now remembering I was only wearing my underwear and a shirt.

"Oh Audrey." I whisper under my breath.

The crack of sticks bursted through my ear drums turning me right back around. I didn't see anyone at all.

"Hello?" I ask.

No answer.

"Who's there?"

No answer.


Just me speaking his name alone shoots my heart rate up. But there was still no answer, I started to feel a little fear. I backed up a few steps watching around me. I was about to take off but then a presence grabbed around me from behind. A hand covered my mouth and around my stomach holding my arms down. I shriek trying to break free before hearing my captor shushing me. The voice belonged to Carter.

"Audrey..shhh..shhh. What the hell are you doing out here?" He whispers aggressively lowering his hand from my mouth.

"I thought I..I thought I was sleeping." I lie.

"Since when does this happen?"

"I just.."

The snaps of twigs and leaves came back. Except they were closer. Carter let me go but held my wrist to keep my close.

"Who's there? This is hospital property." Carter exclaims.

I search around seeing who could possibly be out at this hour other then my dumb butt. My gut was telling me it was close. My heart was screaming it was something else. Then there he was.

Out from behind a tree a just in front of the street light. Came the revoltingly nostalgic breathing under rubber. My eyes dilate.


He stands as a shadow with the street light blinding behind him. The wind blow from our side sending more leaves to ground around us. Carter's grip only tightens around my wrist. I yank.

"Michael!" I pull forward trying to escape.

"Audrey stay back!" Carter yanks me hard behind him sending me to the ground. He wasn't playing around.

I cough into the dirt. I twist around to look at Michael. Who flipped the knife forward in his hand, charging right for Carter.

"W-wait! Mi-ah!" I clench my stomach together in pain. My lungs desperately seek air.

Carter pulls a walkie-talkie from his hospital coat alarming whoever would be on the other end.

"I've got a location! Get the chief Loomis!"

"No! Carter!" I yell pushing myself up.

I inhale hard to gain better control. I get to my knees then look back up to the only men in my life.

"Stop!" I crawl a few inches forward.

Michael reaches for me but before I could get a hold of his hand. Carter slams a huge branch right to his side, pushing him only a few steps back. He recovers quickly and slices over Carter's arm. Splitting all the cloth material to be stained with blood. I stand up finally.

"No more please!" I beg.

"Get the fuck back now Audrey." Carter grabs around me again. It hurt my chest.

"Stop it! I hate you! Let me go Carter!" I refuse trying to break free.

He swoops me over his shoulder carrying me away.

"Michael!" I cry as Michael begins following.

I reach for him.

Carter turns around pulling a gun from his coat now.

"Stay the fuck back!" He yells.

Oh my god.

Michael stops.

"Police are on their think I wasn't ready?" He growls.

There was a bubble of silence around the three of us. Elsewhere the wind blows even harder ripping leaves from the trees. Sirens could be heard from afar.

"You think I don't know what you are? What you want?! She doesn't need this kind of pollution in her! She needs something normal! Something..healthy!" There was a hint of emotion in his voice.

Then a gunshot was heard.

Carter turns around to see Loomis has shot. Thankfully for me, he missed. Over Carter's shoulder there was no sign of Michael. A wave of sorrow flushed through me but was momentarily. I know he'll be back for me.

"Happy Halloween Audrey." Loomis says in a Loomis way.

Halloween: Bring me back to you (Michael Myers x oc)Where stories live. Discover now