Who are you?

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What do you mean you can't? I'm beginning to lose patience with you.

"How can I do something that I don't even know?" It was difficult to put my question into words.

Fine just keep the girls safe but don't fight the pain it'll fade if you JUST accept it. Got it?

"But who is he?" I whisper through my teeth.

Accept it first. This is your last chance.

"Ms. Anderson behind you!" Rachel interrupts still carrying Jamie on her back.

I glimpse over my shoulder to see our intruder following us. He was ragingly determined to get to us as fast as possible. Rather than panicking I center my concentration on climbing up and over the roof with Rachel and Jamie.
By the top Rachel was struggling to grip the edge of the roof to swing herself over. Once I got close enough I pushed against her bum to help her over. I nearly lost footing myself without being too obvious.

"Rachel!" Jamie cries fearfully.

We both turned around seeing how fast the intruder was to the top as us. Rachel again cries loudly in alarm. Our intruder now hunter effortlessly swooped onto the bent rooftop. Carefully securing his footing and proceeding his hunt. I back away keeping him in my sights. Figured to be a mistake. Maybe not a mistake.
As I did I memorized what the voice in my head was instructing me to do. Comparing it to the choice of keeping the girls safe; if allowing this change to be true then I guess I should do it. I lower my eyelids slowly wording my thoughts.

"I accept." I word.

Expecting it to be a brisk heat change of sort. It only continued the unfathomable pain within my skull. Hammering numerous of images that I felt to be memories in my sight clouding it.
Habitually I desired to shove it away. Clear my vision of this creamy imagery of an unknown form of me. Instead I do the opposite, I grant passage to whatever this intrusion in myself is to do what it needs. Now I knew deep down there was no going back. The atmosphere around me bubbles to a heat full dream like state. There was this forceful pull to him. I wanted to feel angry that I did. How could I feel any sort of attachment to a killer? How could I?

We've missed you these past years Audrey.

Behind my eyelids was a complete nightmare of malicious murder. Murder that I was apart of. Before I could see anymore I was pulled back by the same lasso that I now knew to be a menace.

"I want you to get down there Jamie!"

"I can't!"

I open my eye's hurriedly gaze still creamy with hallucinations of unknown lifeless corpses, screaming faces, and a girl with the same voice as Jamie. The same as Jamie? Jamie..

"Laurie?" I utter.

As it smeared clear the killer was just a foot away from the end of my feet. I became spooked losing the grip my bottom had to the roof tiles. I slide down the opposite side of the roof that the girls were. Ready to express the sudden feel of free fall in my stomach. It was muted by a sudden safe hold. The killer gracefully pushed me back up where I was. I didn't dare to look him in the eye in that moment.
From a different perspective it would appear to be a moment between us. A moment that was needed for a long time. I start to look up at him, before we could connect our eye's his attention would be divided.

"Audrey no!!" Jamie howls as she slides down the other side of the roof.

The intruder's attention reverts to her. I could sense the uprising rage under the rubber disguise. I twist around to crawl away. Rachel was faced to Jamie seeing she's safely sliding down. I didn't bother to waste time warning her so I nudge hard on the back sending her Jamie's way. She yelps. Which quickly turns into more bothersome screaming.
When she glanced over her shoulder she saw the intruder strike hard over me. Thankfully missing but nearly topples on top of me. Adrenaline kicks in allowing my legs to boost me forward. I swung over face first feeling the killer's fingers brush over the back of my right leg.

"Ms. Anderson!" Rachel called.

I hit the chimney side next to Jamie. She reached for me but Rachel was fiddling with something on her.

"Ms. Anderson we need to get down from here."

"Keep going I'll buy you some time." I get back up seeing the killer stand tall above the roof side.

I was on my hands and knees trying to get up. The images from just a second ago returned, their painful expressions blowing up my concentration. I flutter painfully as hair fell to my face. I was side tracked so efficiently that the killer trudged down promptly fixing his arm up with the murder weapon.

"Don't worry I got you!" Rachel was reassuring Jamie lowering her from a cord.

He drew closer raising his arm up high.

"Rachel duck!" I panic jumping forward onto my feet.

Her head bobs to me and the killer coming closer. She dodged the swing letting go of the cord. Jamie's screams carry with the chilly wind shivering goosebumps under my clothes. I fell between him and her grabbing the cord. Only to be dragged along too. All of our screams pitched together in every direction we went.
I clutch the gutter bending it down from my weight. The cord whiplashes my other arm down causing a pop like pain in my shoulder but I didn't let go. I hear Jamie grunt in pain from the cord tightening around her abdomen. Ignoring the pain I look down to her thinking fast.

"I'm going to swing you Jamie! Get a hold of the wood frames and climb down!" She nods looking up at me.

I used all my strength to swing her away then forward. Her little arms reached to the house not close enough. The popping in my shoulder seared to scorching pain down my spine. I couldn't let it slow me down. I suppress the feelings and swing harder. She gets a hold with one hand and pulls herself closer to it.

"You got it?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She gets a foothold before she begins pushing the cord down and off her waist.

I let go of the cord relaxing my straining muscles in my arm. I grimace rolling it. Once I focused on climbing down as well I could hear Rachel shouting through the fall breeze. The chimney separating Jamie and I from the danger I worry she was being killed.
Her screams echo in my ears. I was becoming anxious making it hard climbing down. I used my anxiousness to quicken my pace. I check to see how close Jamie was but she shown the same struggling too. I was about to say to wait for me until Rachel's bellowing rises even higher in the wind. Until it lowers out of range as if falling. It ceases.

"Rachel." I mutter with my heart sinking deeply.

Jamie gets to the ground starting to blubber in tears. I feared the worse and let myself fall the last few feet down. I stumbled landing hard on my feet. I limp slightly to where Jamie took off. Rachel was on the ground laying still.

"No Rachel please come alive! You can't be dead!" Jamie sobs in distress.

My hand covers my mouth in shock. Feeling tears pry their way out dripping down my cheek. I have failed another child. It stained my soul like a mark on a waiting wall. I stepped closer to them unsure of what to do now. Once I did Jamie's sobbing prompted the continuation of the various screaming again. Screaming of people I found to be familiar yet not familiar. I wince holding the side of my head. This couldn't take any longer then it already was. Both my hands find a grip around my head. Not fighting but allowing the rumbling to continue inside. Now I seen faces, faces of agony, tearful, losing their life. I bend my knees whimpering. Unable to take in these horrific flashes under my sight.
Jamie continued sobbing next to Rachel. It only fused with the psychotic noises ringing in my skull. That is I sense the change in atmosphere, the ringing mutes to a dull hum. Only to be greeted by Jamie's frantic screeching. I let go whipping myself backwards. Just across the yard was the intruder. He just stood there gaping at us. The harder I did the lower the humming faded. I could feel his eye's lock onto my being, wanting me to be near. Just not sure for whatever reason. It only felt right, felt good, felt true. I felt something else next. Something rather.. different. It was pivoting a part of my heart but stronger than before. My body wanted to physically be closer to him. I know him don't I?


Yes! She's remembering right? Well we will see in the coming chapters. But anyways..
Hope you liked it and leave a comment!
See you next chapter :]

Halloween: Bring me back to you (Michael Myers x oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin