Stuck inside

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I found the time to give you guys the interest I hope you want. Please enjoy! I'm getting the next going to

I made sure Rachel kept Jamie close on their side of the car. I wasn't sure of what to do I was just going with it. In a way I was invisible no one even acknowledged that I got into the car. Except for Jamie and the old crazy guy in the front. Wherever we were heading we arrived pretty quickly. The roads were quiet and empty a true nightmare for Halloween. The house was one I've never seen, more like a neighborhood I've never been in before. The car parks in the driveway we all get out.

This is going to be so much fun to watch.

"Shh." I whisper to myself.

I get into the house and see a teenage girl improperly dressed let alone dressed at all. She only had on a huge T-shirt. The adolescent male that was with her was acting like he was reading a magazine. I snickered in disbelief, as if that ever works.

Don't be so jealous you'll get some soon.

I shut my eyes trying to ignore the voice. I swear I was just losing it now and I wasn't really hearing a voice in my head. At any moment I could do something crazy, the thought alone scared me. I don't want to hurt anyone especially if tonight's events are this serious. The sheriff instructed everyone in the household a duty to carry out. Everyone but me knew what was going on. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to know. I stood where I was still trying to see if I can grasp my sanity.
The more I clenched the more I heard certain voices. They echoed beyond a hearing point it made me groan in fear.

"Audrey are you coming with us?" Jamie's sweet little voice broke my frustration. A drip of sweat fell from my forehead.

Her and Rachel were heading upstairs. The little girl was looking tired but it wasn't my place to go with. Unsure of my mental state I wanted to slip away the moment I can.

"Oh I'll be down here don't worry." I reassure her with a smile.

You and her are prime targets. Think this through idiot!

I cringe softly.

You're staying right here like you're supposed to.

I kept my composure until Rachel and Jamie were upstairs. Once I was alone my face contorted into a struggle of not to cry. I couldn't take it anymore I search for a bathroom. Before I entered I took a lantern that was lit on a drawer bringing it with me. I lock the door before leaning against it. I press my forehead hard into it then the screams return. Slashed muffled around then yells, it tormented me. I whip around to lean my back on the door, my heart rate increased as the malevolent shrieks did. I rub the sides of my head. I was breathing hard keeping tears at bay.

"What is going on with you?" I whisper to myself.

In an effort to ease my suffering inside I run the cold water to splash my face. After doing so I look into the mirror hoping I could still find some sanity. Once I did the voices stopped in an instant, right as I noticed something that has never happened to me before. The water was still running while I moved hair from my face to see better. My bruises on my face were turning green but still a tint of purple. I wasn't sure what to make of it.

They'll disappear once you remember.

"Remember what? Why won't you tell me?"

Well that wouldn't be fun if I told you. Also I'm sure you wouldn't believe me anyways.

"Just tell me."

Mmmmm nah.

"Tell me damn it." I didn't raise my voice.

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