Real Faces

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Rachel slammed the breaks hard. I was holding my head between my hands. I felt blood seep through my fingers on one side. It dripped onto my lap. My head didn't hurt it was just pulsing, I heard a ring. I was coming back. Except who is me? How do I know it is me?
Then the sound of the man in the mask was being thrown off the car, forward onto the road. He tumbled over staying face down. I felt worried for him. I didn't fight the feeling anymore. It was too pointless because it was pure. I was sincerely worried for him. I move my hands slowly off my head to see through the broken glass clearer. Blood rolled thickly down my face. All of us were breathing heavily from the overflowing adrenaline in our systems.
Jamie was looking up at me. She reached up using her costume sleeve to wipe the blood off my face. I got startled by it but smiled at her. I was also sincerely worried about her well being. I fixed her bangs in return, she smiles.

"Ms. Anderson he's not dead." Rachel brings up.

I look back up, through the front window. Indeed he was alive and standing tall. His line of sight could've been on any of us. It was almost fierce. So I move Jamie onto my lap. She was terrified once again tonight. I was entranced once again by those dark eyeholes from the mask. More of who is under the mask. I wanted him. I think I needed him.
Suddenly Rachel was once again the one with common sense. She starts switching gears on the truck.

"Die..die.." Rachel grits through her teeth.

"Rachel.." I whimper, I felt Jamie hide her face in my chest.

"You son of a..bitch!" The gear buckles giving Rachel full power to run him right over.

"Rachel no!" I yell too late reaching for the wheel.

Jamie clung to me as a baby chimp with its mother. Rachel yells in desperation wanting to kill him. The car's screeching tires over the road pitch highly as Rachel. Almost in unison. I put both hands over Jamie guarding her from impact. The fastest-slowest moment of the night. Ends in a bang.
The hit came hard I hit my head again but on the dashboard in order to keep it from hitting Jamie. That was all it took to complete the awakening.

"You don't understand." Carter rubbed his hand over his mouth frustrated.

"What do I not understand?" I was in a chair across the room looking out the window.

  I kept my gaze out the window. My face was pained I was hoping to heal on my own and I couldn't. It was a few weeks since I woke up. I refused to move from the chair. I refused to do anything at all. I only seen myself in the window and seen someone I didn't know. It was driving me mad.

"You can't remember because you shouldn't. It's for the best." Carter slams his fist on the wall.

"I don't trust you.. I won't." I bit my tongue.

"You can, because I want to take care of you." He sped over, I could hear the sense of desperation.

Only person I seen was Carter, but when I looked at him he described someone I didn't recognize either. It all felt fake, felt ugly, felt evil.

"Then why?" I cringe anxiously.

" me." He kneeled next to the chair on my side.

"How?" I tasted blood squeezing out my tongue. A side of effect from the 'surgery'.

"I'll take care of you. Let me take you away."

A drop of blood was escaping my lips. I wanted to heal. I was still unsure about him but I must've meant something to him, how he pursues on and on with me.. so I let go. I faced Carter who kept his eye's on me. He seen the blood then wipes it away stroking my face.
I felt my cheeks blush. The only human contact I had was with him in this way. It wasn't naturally felt yet but I had to feel something.


Sirens wailed in the distance. I lift my head up staring at the motionless body across the dirt. I put Jamie on the seat.

"The police. Ms. Anderson lets go." Rachel tugs st me.

"Stay right here Jamie." Rachel orders getting out.

I didn't follow, I didn't respond, I didn't even take my eyes off him. I could hear him wanting me near as well. I follow his call. I stumbled out the truck still shaken up. I use the door as a crutch to fall out, still keeping my sight in his direction. I needed to be by him. I needed it to finish.
My legs grew cold under my jeans. My hair shuffled with the wind. The smell of my blood, the smell of the fall air. It was hauntingly nostalgic. I stepped hollower as I got closer. I couldn't fight the small fear I felt either. But it didn't stop me from reaching him.
I kneel.

"Michael.." I utter.

No answer, no movement.

I reached over to hold his hand. As soon as our skins touched..

I open my eyes it was dark. It was dark from the night sky. I was laying on a bed, I was naked under the sheets. It was my own bed, my bed from over a decade ago. I recognized it. I turn around wanting to recognize more of my surrounding. The room was dimly lit from the moonlight outside, I could see the desk, my clothes, my mirror, everything I ever owned. I turn to look behind me..
There was someone with me. I didn't scare I inhale calmly.
He was naked as well. Sleeping peacefully with his hand touching my backside. Lost in his own dreams under his eyelids. No quarrel it was only silent. As quiet as the sky. The moonlight glisten his curls, his hair was dark but puffy. It was symmetrical to his his cheek bone, jawline..his lips. I felt my love. He was so beautiful. Underneath I knew who he was. I could feel it in my bones.

I smile leaning forward kissing his forehead over his hair. It reeked of blood.

"I love you too."


"Get away from him!" The old raspy voice from the man earlier. He broke my trance.

"Don't touch him Audrey!" Then I pulsed with goosebumps.

That was Carter's voice.

I let go of his hand that I hadn't realized I was holding. He reached for me but I turned around limply. Twisting violently as if to be possessed but it was only myself returning.

"You lied to me." I mumble.

"Audrey come here! Quick!" Carter motioned his arms for me.

"You lied to me!" I yell aggravatingly.

There was a silence, only noise was the chitter over the police radios.


"I know who I am! I know what you've done! You kept me away! You kept me away from him! My Michael Myers!"

Halloween: Bring me back to you (Michael Myers x oc)Where stories live. Discover now