Chapter 3- The Woods

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It feels like I have been walking forever but in reality it's been about ten minutes, curse you short stumpy legs.

I walk until I am in the Beacon Hill forest, I will admit not my finest plan. It's something you would expect in a horror movie.

Eight-year-old boy walks into the woods at nine o'clock at night, what could possibly go wrong?

I sighed still sore from what my father had done to me but I had to keep going, I was not going to waste my fucking live with him torturing me day in day out. No, I would rather take my chances in the bloody motherfucking woods then ever go back to dam house. But my father did get one thing right when he carved those words on my back, I am a fucking, cold blooded MURDER. I mean what kid murders their own mother? Let me tell you a bloody fucked in the head one.

I walked deeper into the woods until I came to the cave where most towns people camp near when it's the summer. I ventured into the caves and laid down inside curling up into myself for heat and using my duffle bag as a pillow. From the enters of the cave you could see the beautiful full moon over looking the small town of Beacon Hills which I was thought was perfect but after the events of tonight I learn nothing is perfect and good people down exist we are all made just some people let it show more then others.

I try to sleep but I kept hearing howling noises but that can't be right, there has not been wolves in California for what? 60 years now? I sighed over thinking yet again. I have no idea where I am going to go and I only have enough food and what to last me about two weeks if it is all portion out. I have a credit card and 975 dollars on hand. I hope it's enough to get the hell out of bloody California.

Dawn soon came and I had only slept about 7 hours which was great considering that I slept in the flipping woods. I get my tooth paste and brush out of my bag and brush my teeth before i brush the fallen leaves out of my hair. I have a slip of my water and go outside of the cave to see a boy about 14 year old standing in front of me. He had solemn black hair and forest green eyes. He wore a cyan blue t-shirt and long denim jeans with grey sneakers on his feet. He looked up at me confused.

"Why are you sleeping in a cave?" Asked the teenage boy

He was much taller then me and made me look very tiny at the moment.

"Why are you in the woods at this time?" I countered

"I asked 1st." The boy retorted

"And I asked second."

"I like you kid, what's your name?" Asked the boy

"Unpronounceable." I said

He boy looked very confused.

"Do you have a nickname I could call you instead of Unpronounceable?"

"You can call me Stiles, Stilinski."

"Cool, I am Derek, Derek Hale, now tell me kid why are you out here?" Asked Derek

"Hiding," I simply answered as I grabbed my duffle bag and started making my way back to the highway that cut through the centre of the woods.

"Hiding from what?"

"Aren't you full of questions this morning." I said

"What can I say I am a curious guy."

"Anyway to answer you question from before, I am in the woods this morning because I was on my morning walk, my parents house is like a mile that way." Said derek pointing to the east.

"That's cool don't you have some place other then following an eight year old through the woods?" I asked him as he started thinking

"No I am staying with you for a while to avoid homework."

"I see we are both fans of ignoring a problem until it goes away." I said still walking with Derek on my tail

"You said your name is Stilinski right, aren't you Noah's boy?" Asked Derek causing me to stiffen up

"If you ask him, no but you ask city hall yes." I said which made Derek pull a confused puppy face.

Before Derek could ask me what I meant a girl about 19 years old came out from behind a tree holding the hand of a seven year old girl. The 19 year old girl had similar features to Derek in fact the only two features that where different about the two of them was the girl's hair was longer and she was taller then him. She wore a white tank top with a mossy green jacket over it. She had torn black jeans on and black combat boots on. Meanwhile the seven year old girl was in a blue and white dress which made her cocoa coloured eyes pop, Her dark brown hair came to about her shoulders.

"Derek, who is this with you?" Asked the 19 year old

"Stiles this is my older sister Laura and my younger sister Cora, guys this is stiles."

"What the hell is a stiles."Asked Cora

"Cora, language." Laura said scowling cora

"It's English Laura, you should knew, your the one who tort it to me." Cora retorted causing me to let out a quiet snicker meanwhile Derek laughed until he was red in the face.

"Anyway..." Laura said rolling her eyes

"Mum wants us home, so say goodbye to stiles, Derek." Said laura and cora disappeared into the trees.

"Family issues I take it."

"Something like that, take care of yourself, stiles." Said derek

"You too, Derek," I said as he disappeared into the trees and I continued to walk

What a weird bunch of people, they remind me of wolves to be honest. They live in the woods and a very stealthy.... wait they could be werewolves. No Stiles don't be stupid there is no such thing as werewolves.... right?

I shake the thought off as I continued on my way to the highway, hopeful not to hell.

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