Chapter 25- The beeping

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The 1st thing I heard was beeping.

"Can you turn this thing off before I shoot it." I grumbled

"You okay." My family, the guardians of the Galaxy and the Avergers all gathered around me

"I will take it we won." I said which caused Mason to Laugh and Uriel to hit him

"Is everyone okay?" I asked 

"Pietro was hurt saving clint but he is okay now also congrats your cousin Natheal was born"

"That's good." I going to sleep now

"Actually there is some news Sam wanted to tell you."

"And what would that be?" I asked 

"We found him, we found Bucky, he will be staying at the and we were wondering if you would like to move into the tower."

"I will.."

"You things are already packed." said Kitty as I raised an eyebrow at her

"If I didn't know any better Kitty, I would have thought you were trying to get ride of me."

"Does anyone have anymore news I need to know?" I asked

"Bruce and Natasha are dating."

"Coongrats." I told them with a smile 

"We will leave you  rest now."

Sorry, it was short but I couldn't think of what to write also I like this ending better than the other one I had. On another not, Yes I made it so Bruce didn't leave and Pietro didn't die because those two things made me cry. Hope you like, Bye.

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