Sorry guys nothing exciting yet just an author's note at the moment

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Hi guys, well I know it hasn't come done to it yet but I have seen your comments from the last part so I will give you a choose of what relationships will be put in this book later on as the story goes on. Okay before I show you the pairs you should know Clint and Natasha will not be with Stiles for many reasons.

Clint's reason for not being paired with stiles:

a) Clint is already marriage and has kids

b) I don't feel like messing up that for Clint

c) I will probably have a chapter somewhere when Stiles and the kids play together... or something.

Natasha Reasons for not being with stiles:

a) Well the main reason is because STILES IS GAY in this fanfiction

b) That and Natasha reminds me of a kick ass Aunt because she know Stiles when he was eight and she didn't really show interest in stiles back then.

I am sorry to those people that wanted them together but I do have reasons for not putting them together. Again I am sorry to those people who ship Natasha and Clint the only way for them to be in a relationship is if Polyamory with Clint x Natasha x Laura (Clint's wife). Then again if you just want Clint and Natasha to be friends that works.

Also sorry to the people who wanted to see Colossus and Stiles together because this will not be happening because I already have picked out his love interest. He or she will probably show up somewhere within this part or the next one if there is a next part that is (what I can't give everything away).

Onto the next character Logan... Okay no..... just no for the simple fact Logan and Stiles really hate each other in this fanfiction. Dude he sent an eight year old an image of himself in the nude. That's just cruel. But if you readers want to see Logan with Stiles we could make them have a flinging but It probably won't end well.

If it wasn't flaming oblivious before you read this yes... Deadpool is with spider-man. I like that ship, deal with it.

Okay so now onto the rest of the avengers.

Tony x stiles- Okay in my opinion I don't believe it will work out well for the simple fact tony is very stubborn and stiles is equally if not more stubborn. Tony has serious trust issues and self esteem with an ego the size of Mt Fuji onto of that. Tony may find stiles terrifying because of the way he had killed many people in the past. So this one will probably won't happen because I don't want stiles in that situation.

Bruce x stiles- Okay this many work or drive me insane they both believe they are monsters but I think they many have a little bit too much in common to be in a healthy relationship.

Tony x Bruce x Stiles- again with the arguments above probably won't work.

Okay so I believe given a chance the Hulk would become great friends with Stiles but that's my opinion.

Tony x Bruce? Do you want that in this book?

T'chala x stiles- ah the Black panther and stiles, but would it work? I mean it would be a long distance relationship because T'chala is the king of Wakadna. I mean yeah Stiles did save him when he was younger but I believe Deadpool would tease the shit out of the Wakadna king causing him to snap at Stiles.

I am really Lazy at the moment so I am just going to list the relationships that could happen in this book.


Bruce and stiles

Hulk and stiles

Clint's kids and stiles

Natasha and stiles

T'chala and stiles

Steve and stiles

Clint and stiles

(colossus love interest) and stiles

Spider- man and stiles

Colossus and stiles

Bucky  and stiles

Enemies or stiles just really not liking stiles or visa verse

T'chala and stiles

Tony and stiles

Steve and stiles

Nick fury and stiles

Bucky and stiles

Logan and stiles -is already happening people

Dating relationships

Logan x stiles- it will probably only be for a little bit before they break up.

Steve x stiles

Bucky x stiles

Steve x bucky x stiles

Okay, these are the opinions for dating tell me what you would like to see in the book but remember it probably won't happen. I just wanted know for the future books I may write. If you don't understand why someone is but in a certain place please tell me in the comments and I will explain that as well.  

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