Chapter 15- The last mission

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"Dum Dum, Rivers and Holland with me the rest of you split up and take out as many Nazis as you can remember the goal capture Hilter."

"Aye aye Red." Falworth said making roll my eyes 

"Don't make me shoot you Falworth." I told him

"Okay everyone more out." 

They all nodded and off we went into emeries fire like we have done many times before. Rivers and Holland covered Dum and myself. Suddenly Rivers and Holland get shoot in the head.

"No!" I screamed as turned around to see two Nazi soldiers decked out in Zolas creation. I knew my bullets wouldn't get through their armour so I charged at them with a knife in hand. One of the bullets grazed my head as I made my way to them and plunged the knife into the soft base of their neck.

"You alright Jason?"

"I am fine Dugan, let's just end this." I told him as we went inside the compound 

Where we were greeted with Hilter himself with a gun in hand and his dead family around him. Poisoned. I made sure that I was in front of Dugan because I didn't want his bowler hat head to die in case things go south. He was just one of the many people keeping me sane.  

"I don't think it is Jason or is it Red you go by ?" asked Hilter 

"If I am going down then so is America's last hero," he told me as he shoots me in the chest before he shoots himself.

Suddenly everything goes into slow motion and Jason falls to the floor.

"So I guess this is how I go out." I said in a chuckle as Dugan sat beside me

"Hold on Jason we will get medical your going to make it."

"Dugan, you and I both know ...*COUGH* by the time they get here I will be dead." I told him with a trail of blood coming out of my mouth 

"I don't know what I can do for you." 

"Live." I whisphered as my world went black

Dum Dum Dougan POV:

"Live." was the last words that come out of Jason's mouth and the only thing that was running through my head was I failed Barnes and I failed Jason... I can still remember what Bucky told me before he got on that train.


"Hey Dum Dum can we talk for a moment?" asked Barnes 

"Sure." I said 

Barnes was just one of the many people I didn't mind he was a good person but could be a little shit at times.

"Look this mission we are about to go on there is a good chance that I might not make it back and if that is the case I want you to look after a person for me, his name is Jason Martin."

"Do you love him?" I asked 

Barnes stumbled over his words.

"It's alright, I will look after your lover boy." I told him with a small smile

Flash back end:

Under I notice Jason starts to glow a weird purple and suddenly his body turns to dust and the only things that are left of him were his dog tags, the bullet that was inside of him and a weird purple flower... 

What the fuck just happened? 

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