Chapter 17- It's alright...

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In Stiles mind:

Everything blurred the battle with Ultron, Wanda and that white hair speedy Gonzalas. Suddenly I am back in back in that bloody apartment in Budapest of Mr Lardass and Mr Nutsake raping me.

"Shush my little Red, it will be over soon." he said 

The sudden vision unlocked a memory of my time in Hydra. And the apartment room faded away to my time in Hydra.

"He his a fine specimen isn't he, the infamous mercenary with a mouth's kid, Red." said Zola 

"I can't believe we have successful fussed him with wolf dna, he will be our best candidate for project Generations."

"Sir, are you sure you want him, he is nothing special." said one of the Hydra soldiers

"Actually, he is one of the best candidates we have, he is the only one the wolf gene has successful not killed." said Dr Zola

"You know that Red and the Winter Soldier won't do it if they are forced."

"Yes I am very aware of that, that's why with the wolf gene we enhanced it." said Doctor Zola

"What do you mean Doctor."

"It means that...." suddenly the memory ends and flashes to Hamish Marshall 

"Save me!!!!"

"You killed me."

"I am sorry." I said as tears run down my face as it suddenly flashs to my childhood 

"MURDER." yelled Noah stilinski

I am getting dizzy with all the flashes 

Suddenly I see the witch standing in front of me, Wanda

"I am so sorry." she said looking in horror at some of my memories

"What have you done?" I asked her

"Just as Ultron said, ' A mind game."

"Get out of my head." I roar at her as my eyes turn copper blue and all of a sudden I am back in the present.

Stiles is now free of Wanda's Mind Game. 

  "Stiles, time to go." said Clint as we get onto the quinjet 

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but it's in the air." said Maria

"Stark Relief Foundation?"

"Already on the scene. How's the team?" asked Maria

"I feel like I have a massive hang over." I grumbled as Mason pats my back,

"It's alright Stiles, you just got mind fucked by a witch."

"Please don't remind me." I grumbled as I laid my head on his shoulder

"Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off." said Tony

"I was just mind fucked, sorry it's not something you can shake off." I growled at him

"Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here." said Hill

" So, run and hide?"

"No, we are regrouping and resting," I told him

" Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer." said Maria

"Neither do we." said Tony

 " Hey, you wanna switch out?" asked Maria

"No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out." said Clint who was piloting the Quinjet

"A few hours from where?" asked Tony

"A safe house. " said Clint 

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