Chapter 4- Good day to Kenina

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After my ... what would I call my encounter with Derek and his sister? Chummy? Creepy? Board line stalker-ish? Lest go with the last one. Well after my board line stalker-ish encounter with the Hales I finally found the high way. Rejoice bitches, I need no fucking GPS.

I walked along the highway for a while, man this is really fucking boring with no one to talk too. I sigh in defeated look up to the beautiful blue sky, not a cloud in the sky yet, I feel so empty inside. Suddenly I hear the clucky sound of gears rolling and gravel crunching under the weight of a vehicle. I turn around to see an old tractor approaching me. I flagged down the guy driving it he stopped beside me. I know what I was doing was a risk but I am not going to get out of Beacon Hills anytime soon if I walk.

"What are you doing out here kid?" asked the man about 39 with short spikey light brown hair and deep blue eyes.

"My father wants me to go to the farms market in the next town, Kenina to collect our payment from our clients but mum got sick so he couldn't leave her, so he sent me to walk, I should be there in two days walking." I lied smoothly

"Come up here kid, we are going to the same place so you might as well get a ride there and be in Kenina by nightfall." Said the man as I waste no time getting onto the old tractor.

"What's your name kid?" asked the man

"Well no one I have meet beside my mother could pronounce my real name but most people just call me Stiles, Stiles Stilinski."

"Well it's nice to meet you stiles, I am Clinton Barton but you can call me Clint." He said as we continued to drive down the highway

"So how old are you?" asked Clint

"I am eight and judging on you looks I am going to say your 39... sorry that's really rude of me." I said rubbing the back of my neck

"No, it's fine kid and your right I turned 39 two months ago."

"So what do you like to do?" asked Clint with surprised me no one has asked that question since the 1st grade two me.

"Well I like to go camping in the woods but my faviourite thing to do would be going over to my best friend Scott's house and pranking his mum."

"A trouble maker are you?" Clint asked

I shrugged, "More or less."

I don't mind Clint, he is funny but something is off about him, I look behind him for a moment without him noticing. There was a bow back there and arrows. Why does he have that back there? Is he a hunter or maybe an assassin... No stiles don't be stupid he can't be an assassin why would he be so nice to you? Maybe he is a serial killer? No. That's not it. Whatever as long as he does kill me I was fine with him being whatever he was.

"So what do you do for a living?" I asked out of curiously

"I am a farmer, my wife and I own a farm just outside Beacon Hills actually."

"That's nice, what's your wife's name?" I asked


"Huh... I actually meet a Laura today but her last name was Hale." I said outloud without releasing

"Ways she nice?"

"I don't know she did really talk." I said

We made it to Kenina by dusk, which was great timing to be honest.

"Thanks for the lift Clint."

"It was my pleasure Stiles." He said as he got back onto his tractor and drove off, leaving me yet again alone.

I sighed as I disappeared into the busy streets of Kenina. I bumped into someone, I looked to see who I bumped into only to be greeted by a punch to my already bruised face. Of course it was just my luck I was walking through an outside bar.

"Watch were you are going, Little bitch." Said the fat man in his early fifties who had punched me.

"Sorry sir." I said trying to walk away but he was blocking my exit route.

"Sorry doesn't cut it you, you sorry asshole."

"You should take your life into your own hands but then again a terrible thing happens, there's no one the blame but you." I retorted and I must admit it wasn't my best one and not the smartest move to make when this man is towering over me and is obviously drunk or on drugs judging by his hazy eyes.

"What did you say, ass wipe."

"Oh you heard me ass hat." I said earning me a punch to the guts

Okay Stiles, for the love of all things that are not bruised yet shut the hell up.

"Come on boys." Bellowed the man as three other guys came over.

What the fuck is this guy part of... a bikey gang. Are you kidding me? He looks like drunk Santa.

One of the guys came over wearing glasses and a leather jacket and punched me, making my face hit the floor. Before I could get up again the guy that punched me whispered to me "Stay down, I will get them to leave but you have to stay down until then."

The man with glasses then noticed I had a gush on my cheek from him which was bleeding.

"When the leave meet me on the roof, if Teddy stops you from going up, tell him Bruce said."

I didn't know if I could trust this 'Bruce' but what other option did I have, I give him a stiff nod as he left to the other man and I stayed on the gross, cold, gravel floor of one of the streets of Kanina.

Who would have though my good day could turn into a turd so fast? Not me, clearly. 

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