Chapter 13- A bat?

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I have been living with Deadpool for about a month now and we have gotten pretty close. But there are some things about him that really annoys me like the fact he wants to live on chimichanga. I only just convinced him to only have it three times a week instead of everyday and that being us to where I am currently. Wade has entrusted me to go get his chimichanga so I am walking the streets trying to make it to the nearest Taco bell without being noticed by as many people as possible. I am wearing my grey hoodie because I have officially grown out of my red one, which makes me sad but the memories that hoodie holds it, was better of being shot to bits by Wade. I sighed as I kept walking the crowded streets. I bump into someone that had a bow on his back I looked up to see Clint.

"Shit." I mumbled

"Hey Stiles your so supposed to be in Beacon Hills." Said Clint looking at me confused

Suddenly one of the news billboards came up with an image of my face saying I was dangerous.

"Double crap." I said outloud as I took off running being chanced by Clint

I make a sharp turn into the alley and park core up a wall to the roof where Clint soon follows, I then leapt from one roof until the other until he was very far behind me. That's when jumped into an alley and hid behind a dumpster. I will admit to my best chose of a hiding spot he found me so I took off running into the busy market streets, I found a cloths store and changed my grey hoodie for pink one and started walking. I get onto a fire escape to look out into the crowd of people to see Clint looking around in circles trying to find me he soon walked away.

I sighed in relief as I went back onto the streets and made it to Taco Bell where I got the chimichanga and began to walk home when suddenly I was jumped and someone stole the chimichanga. I was mad at myself It was the 1st time I left Matt and Foggy that I was jumped. I walked home with my black eye, cut cheek and cut lip.

I walked to wade's apartment.

"Where is my chimichanga?" asked Wade

"Well I was chased around town for awhile by an old friend then when I got them I was jumped and some guy took it." I said Sighing in defeat

"Look Kid I am not mad at you for two reasons 1 you look like hell and what is with the pink jumper..." said Wade before I cut him off

"Thank you for saying I look like crap when I already new that and I had to ditch my grey one because Clint would have been able to find me easier with it so I changed and grabbed the 1st one I saw and It so happened to be Pink."

"Stop cutting me of kid, anyway the 2nd reason I don't want you to leave me alone, are my girl friend Vanessa left me for what I looked like I have to admit I have been somewhat lonely."

"Look wade you may be crazy and sure your not the best looker but I am tired of running for my life and just want to live in one place and if that means I get to live with a mercenary with a mouth so be it." I told him

"This reminds we of an old saying, when live doesn't give you chimichanga, you murder the person who has one."

"Wade, I don't think that's a saying." I told him

"Well it is now."

"Whatever you say Deadpool." I told him shaking my head

"Okay Deadpool Jr get the pink hoodie off we're going somewhere."

"Where are we going Great Bob F8 ?" I asked him taking off my pink hoodie

"I am being to teach you how to uses weapons."

"Do I get my own gun?" I asked him excitedly

"No you get this because your starting out." He said handing me a baseball bat

"What am I meant to do with this?"

"Hit people with it ." He said

"Yes Captain Obvious I know how a bat works."

"When can I go on missions with you?" I asked him

"As soon as you master the weapons of the bat and gun."

"Just give me a gun, just this once then you can say if I can Have it again." I begged him

"It's not like you will die."

"True, fine just this once until I am sure you know how to use one." He said handing me a hand gun.

I put the safety off and shoot at the target that was on the wall three times all of them Bullseyes.

"Okay who have you been hanging out with Bullseye, It's bullseye right?"

"Who in the bloody name of chimichanga is Bullseye?" I asked him looking at him confused

"Nothing don't worry about it kid, I promise you on my next mission you can go with me but until then you will practices night and day."

"Okay got it dad." I let slip out

"Did you just call me dad?" asked Wade

"No." I lied

"You did I heard you."

"Okay I am have said Dad." I said truthfully

"I love you too son." He joked making me roll my eyes as I went to my room which was next to Wade's.

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