Chapter 7- March 10, 1943

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It was Bucky's Birthday today, he was now 26 years old. The war had waged on for six years granted that I have only been stuck in the 40's for 1 year 2 months 10 day 6 hours 23 minutes and 54 seconds. Steve and Bucky are great people to laugh and joke around but I knew they were going to leave me or I would leave them. Steve has been trying to enlist to fight for his country while I knew it was only a matter of time before Bucky got his orders to ship off. Call me selfish but I don't want them to leave. Sure I want to go home but I don't want t leave them if there was a way I would take them back with me. SO... they could help me beat the hell out of Scott for even getting me into this mess in the 1st place. Anyway, this rant is way off topic. Today is Bucky's 26 Birthday and I want it to be one that he remembers.

I was walking the lively streets of Brooklyn looking for the perfect gift for Bucky.

 Okay, I might have developed a small crush for the Brooklyn boy but hey sue me because if you were stuck for a year with 40's with him and his stupid charming face. I am positive you would have a crush on him too. Sorry I've got off topic again... stupid ADHD brain.  Anyway, where was I? Right, Bucky, Brooklyn, Birthday present. 

I am not sure what I am going to get Bucky honestly, I mean what for you get a guy from the 40's?Car? clothes? a watch? I have no bloody clue. Why can't google have already have been made along with other things like smartphones. 

I walk into toy store, adult store and a weird corner store with a guy selling drugs but I can't find anything for bucky. I sighed in defeat and decided to walk home to our shared apartment when suddenly an idea hits me. I raced off downtown and brought a decorated box with the money I earnt. What I have a job... it's a job I don't tell Bucky or steve about for safety reasons but it's a job none the less. You see about a month after being stuck in 1941 I realised that I needed a job so I could help them pay their rent and because I am Good at being bad I decided to become a mercenary still using the name Red. I made myself my own red hoodie.

After buying the box I went back to the apartment where I saw steve in the kitchen cooking a cake. It took a week worth of rations saving to be able to make it but it was worth it. I went to my room and pulled out a locket from my desk. This was a locket from Logan on a mission in Rome from my 16 birthday. He said that it would help me find my way home whenever or where ever I was lost. I decided this was the perfect gift for bucky.

Suddenly Bucky enters the apartment smelling like fish. I put the locket in the box and when out of my room.

"Happy Birthday Buck." said Steve

"Happy Birthday Bucky."

"Thanks." He said with his charming smile 

"Presents and then Cake." Steve said 

Steve got Bucky a drawing of all of us.

"Thanks Stevie, I love it." Bucky said hugging his best friend 

"And this one is from me." I told Bucky giving him his gift

He opens it and looks overjoyed 

"It's beauitful." said bucky taking it out of the box

"It was a gift from my Uncle Logan, he told me I could use it to find my way home, I figure it might help you more than me." I told him as he suddenly pulls me into a hug

"Stop making out it's cake time." steve ordered as we jumped away from eachother 

"We weren't making out."

"Why to ruin the moment Stevie." Bucky complained 

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