Chapter 20- A fucked up day

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I don't know were It all went wrong but I might as well start, were all stories start. The beginning.

I was walked down town to the radio station across the street from my bar. I was going to con them into advertising my bar for free with my charms then I remembered charms can't get me everything so I grabbed about two hundred dollars cash. Kitty and Colossus said they would like to work at my bar so I don't have to worry too much about staff. I was about to entre the building when suddenly I saw a massive blue hole open up in the sky.

"Oh you go to be fucking kidding me." I said waving my hands around in the air like a loon when I saw things flying out of it

"Doesn't anyone care I was trying to retire." I yelled as ran back to my loft and geared up in my 'Red outfit' {Hoodie and wolf mask} before I grabbed my bat, guns and ammo. I took to the streets to see people trapped in cars because of these weird looking alien things.

"Hey, Mother fucker." I yelled at the alien thing, it turns its attention to me as I shot my gun causing it's lifeless body to fall onto the ground.

I go down town and I am shooting up hell as I kill the alien things one by one they hit the ground. Suddenly I shot one and it blood gets on me, I wipe it off but not before saying.

"That's fucking gross man,"

One of my gun's jams causing me to groan in frustration as I grabbed my bat of my bat and smacked on in the head. As I continue my assault on the alien mother fuckers, I run into Natasha she was about to be attacked by one of the alien so with my one working gun I killed it. As the body feel to the floor, Natasha jumped back in shock before she said in Russian,


"The one and only sweet Natasha." I told her as I smashed another alien as I heard the other end of Natasha's ear piece.

"Friend of your Natasha?" asked a voice I knew belonged to Tony Stark

"You could say that." Said Nat as she tossed me an ear pieces to put in

"You're here to help?" she asked as I nodded

"Good, it's nice to see you again red." Said Natasha as she shoot an alien

Iron man {Tony} passed us before he said, "Wait aren't you the kid that saved me from the Jester?"

"Yes." I said in a deep Russian accent

"It's nice to see you to, Stark."

Suddenly as Nat and I were fighting off so aliens, someone in a red, white and blue suit was stating in front of us. It was fucking Captain America.

"I thought he was dead." I said

"Well I thought you died after saving me from the red room but here you are." Retorted nat

"Think again love, I am just visiting America." I lied

"What brought you out of hiding?"

"My friend died." I lied again as I smashed another alien in the face with my bat

"Hey cap, I need a lift."' Said Nat

"You sure about this?"

"Yeah, It should be fun." Said Natasha as Captain America gave Nat a boost onto one of the flying aliens machines. Leaving just the Cap and myself to deal with the aliens trying to get pass the permitter they had set up.

"What do I call you?" asked the Captain

"Call me Red."

As we fought the aliens the Cap and I started to have a conversation.

"So you know Nat and Tony because...?"

"I saved them when I was 9 years old so about eight years ago, now." I answered him

"Why did you save them?"

"Well tony I saved for money but nat I saved to repay back a debt I had with her." I simply answered before we lapsed into silence before Nat said

"Guys, I can close the portal does anyone copy?"

"Do it." Said Cap but then Stark said...

"Wait hold up, I have a Nek coming in hot and I know just were to put it."

"You know that's a one way trip, stark." Said Cap

I just kept shooting the alien motherfuckers that kept coming close to us as Captain America watched tony go through the portal.

Then Cap made the call, "Close it."

Suddenly I see an iron man coming in fast.

"He's not stopping." I said before a guy with a hammer could do anything a big green giant or better known as the hulk caught him.

Suddenly the Hulk roars and Tony gains consciousness gain.

"God, please tell me nobody kissed me." Said Tony

"I know red did."

"Oh, please Natasha your just jealous, it wasn't you." I teased going long with what she had in mind

"Oh my god the kid kissed me." Tony said in a panicky causing Nat and I to snicker

"Fuck no Stark, I didn't kiss you, we're just messing with that straight mind of yours."

"I feel like shawmara, you joining us Red?" asked Tony

"Maybe next time the world almost ends but until next time," I said as a bowed dropping smoke pelts and disappeared onto the roof and listened into their conversation

"Man, why is he like a red ninja?" said Tony making me let out a low chuckle before I leave to my bar which surprisingly is still in one piece but has a heap of alien corpse in front of it.

Yeah well, that was indeed one fucked up day.  

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