Chapter 9- Along came a tree

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Bucky POV:

I'm a horrible human being. It's been two days since the 'shower incident' and the house was silences with the only thing filling it was an awful tension. Take breakfast for example. Stiles would cook breakfast, we ate together in utter silence, then Stiles would go back upstairs to the bedroom and lock himself inside until lunch time. I would do the dishes but every time I tried to apologise to him for what happened he would wonder off somewhere. I hated it!!!! I hated not hearing him laugh or sing and dance as he cooked! I missed how it was before the 'shower incident'. I have slept on the couch for the last two nights and my guilt was slowly eating away at me.

I sighed and sat down on the couch watching the clock. Waiting for 12 o'clock to come fast. It was the only time I saw him before dinner. So I sat there, thinking, 'how can I get Stiles to talk to me again'. Soon enough 12 pm came around and stiles came downstairs. We were about to eat lunch when suddenly there was a knock on the door. I answered it only to find a small talking tree known as Groot, waving at me. I let him inside hoping the neighbours haven't seen him yet.
"Groot, what are you doing here?" Asked stiles to Groot
I was in heaven hearing stiles's voice again even if he wasn't talking to me.
"I'm Groot." The small tree said
Stiles sighed in defeat. Neither of us could understand what groot was saying. Were was that triangle faced monkey when you need him.
Suddenly there was another knock on our front door, stiles answered it while Groot hide behind me.
"Lovely to see you again Mary." Said stiles
"Nice to see you too, Jayce and Chase."
We have a favour to ask you." Said Mr Jones in a posh voice.
I really hate this guy.
"We are going out of town for a few days we were wondering if you could look after Rochelle for us, her babysitter canceled at the last minute."
"I don't need a babysitter." Grumbled the young teen
I expected stiles to say 'No' because Groot was here but he said the opposite.
"Sure we will look after, She'll for you."
"Don't call me that." Grumbled Rochelle
"Thank you, we will be back in 5 days." Said Mary as she left with her husband.
Rochelle came inside when I noticed Groot was no longer behind me. Groot walked up to Rochelle to shake Rochelle's hand. I was in a pure panic and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Stiles was fairing any better.
"I'm Groot."
Rochelle looked at the talking tree in curiosity before shaking his hand answering with, " Rochelle Jones, nice to meet you Groot."
Suddenly when you think the interaction between the two couldn't be anymore strange and cute, Groot grow a flower out of his hand and gave it to her.
"I'm Groot." Groot said in a shy manner
"Thank you, Groot."
"So you're okay with Groot being here for the time being?" Asked stiles with a raised eyebrow
"He is a pretty cool dude."
"Aren't you full of surprises, Shelly."  I said looking at the short teen.
"Don't call me that." Rochelle grumbled before I felt vines around my ankles before the next second I know it, I am on the floor.
"I am Groot."
"Thank you Groot." Said Rochelle as she planting a kiss on Groot's forehead meanwhile Stiles was laughing his ass of at me while I pouted. Me a deadly assassin brought down but a small talking tree this was embarrassing.
" I am Groot."
"Groot Said 'that he will untie you if you don't call me that again.'" Said Rochelle causing stiles to stop laughing as we looked at her in shock.
"Wait you can understand him?" I asked her
"What, can't you?" She asked us with a raised eyebrow
This is going to be the longest 5 days of myself.

Like Father, Like SonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora