Chapter 1-Feelings?

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Bucky Pov:

I was in my apartment in Budapest. For the last 6 months, I have been trying to remember my life before Hydra. I only get glimpses of memories in the past, never a full memory and it's very frustrating. I know that this Steve Rogers person knows me or well knew me...I read it in a museum. Then there was this Myslaw Stilinski or was it Stiles... maybe Jason... I don't know what name he is going by now... I see some glimpses of memories with him in it from the 1940's and a few from a few years ago but I can't remember everything and it's annoying. I sighed and went to my little kitchen where I  grabbed a plum and walking to my couch, turning on the Tv... Maybe the news will distract me. 

"I am currently at the scene of the battle between Ultron and the Avengers as you can see Ultron's plan is to lift Slovakia up high enough to drop it to cause world extinction. Jess, it's not just the Avengers here there is the infamous Red and other people helping to take down Ultron."

Suddenly one of the Ultrons Robots came to attack the news lady but Stiles saved her but took a hit.

"What are you doing get onto the lifeboats now." Growled Stiles fighting the robots, his blue glowing eyes could be seen behind his wolf mask.

The news reporter lady didn't listen to Stiles. Stiles still protected her and I watched as Stiles took, blast after blast, hit after hit from the Robots. I could see the blood begin to stain the half-destroyed red hoodie. As I watched this happen to Stiles I felt a peg of something deep within my chest. What is this feeling? It felt like anger mixed with something else...Why am I angry? What am I angry at? I honestly don't know. I watched on as Ultron was soon defeated... I heard the painful roar leave Stiles mouth. I watched as Stiles fell.

"Stiles," Natasha yelled 

I feel rage... I feel so helpless... I can't save him...Why does Stiles make me feel like this?

Tears of frustration build up in my eyes. A master assiassin...a weapon... reduced down to a sad, lonely, hurt, rageful, helpless person just by the chance and thought of losing him... Why? Tears travelled down my face as I watched Natasha.

"Come on, your father is going to kill me if your dead... I need my favourite Nephew, don't leave me." Natasha said in an emotional mess as she checks his pulse

Is he dead? 

I need to know.

Is he dead?

I don't want to lose him.

Did I just lose him?

Suddenly Natasha wiped her tears  and said on her comlink

"I need a medical team now.

"Stiles is down."  

Stiles was still alive.

I haven't lost him.

Not, yet.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door... I looked to see a man I haven't seen in 6 months. He was the one I fought and he had a suit that makes him fly.

"My name is Sam Wilson, I am a friend of Stiles and Steve... I here to bring you to your new home." He told  me

Should, I go with him.

He may know information on Stiles.

I just decided to nod and comply.

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