Chapter 12- Truth or Dare -part 2-

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"I am Groot." Said the tree

"Groot said 'You have to let me colour your hair any colour I want." Translated Rochelle

This is the start of a very long night

Bucky's Pov:

I now have pink hair; Rochelle explained to me that it would come out when I washed it.

"Okay Rochelle truth or dare?" I asked her

"What's the deal with your dad, why does he look like he is going to kill everyone and take over the earth?" I asked her

She sighed, "It's complicated, I don't even know where to start."

"Just tell me what you are comfortable with." I told her

"He isn't actually my father. You see my mother had an affair with the French man that used to own the house, which you and Jayce own now. My mother claimed that I was his kid but DNA test don't lie. Anyway, I had an older brother, his name was Allan and he was my half-brother but we didn't let defined out sibling relationship. One day his mate Finlay and him went drinking and he drowned." She stopped the story as I saw a tear trail down her pale cheek.

"After Allan's death, my father blamed me for. That's why when he was at the dinner party he looked like he was going to kill you and Jayce."

"So Chase, Truth or Dare?" asked Rochelle

"I am Groot."

"I know I skipped you but you will get a turn soon, I promise." Rochelle told the talking tree


"Where did Jayce go?" asked Rochelle

"He went to a party." I said

What it's a half truth. I didn't want Rochelle involved with Stiles, Groot and My crazy life. I mean who would believe that I was a master assassin and Stiles was a mercenary.

We continued to play. There was now a purple plate, Sticky notes covering the bathroom mirror, I am now wearing one of my shirts that have been dyed pink, Groot has pink bows covering him and Rochelle... well Rochelle was the only one that has seemed to have been unaffected by the evil game of Truth or dare.

"Okay Chase, Truth or dare?"

"Truth." I told Rochelle not wanting a dare that might lead to me being the owner of pink underwear.

"What are you and Jayce fighting about?"

I was shocked that she has only been here about 3 hours and she had already figured that out. I decide to only give her half the truth again.

"Jayce had a rough childhood that has left him with many Scars, I didn't know about them and saw them, and he is really pissed off at me."

"I understand were Jayce is coming from, he might view his scars as a weakness." Rochelle told me

I was about to stand up and go to bed when suddenly Rochelle said this.

"Sit your ass down; on this couch right now, we have a lot to discuss."

"Language." I scowled her

"It's English, anyway, lets talk about a plan to get my favourite gay couple back together." Rochelle declared

Stiles Pov:

The information Stevie got me was a bust. I sighed as I walked inside the house I was living in with Bucky. The party wasn't a total waste I had a few drinks and realised that life is too short to hold grudges against the people you care for. I walked into the living room to find Rochelle, Groot and Bucky all fast asleep with Frozen playing on the TV. Bucky was wearing Red lipstick and a pink shirt, Groot was covered in bows and Rochelle.. well lets just say she looked normal. Then I saw one of my red hoodies dyed pink. I was going to yell at them to scare them but decided against it and I would get my revenge later. 

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