Chapter 4- Pity

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After what can only be described as a temper tantrum. I returned to the living room to find only Garmora there sitting on the couch patting Bullet while drink her coffee.

"Where did my dad go?" I asked her

She looked up at me only just realising I was in the room, she opened her mouth and said "Your Father said and I quote this, " I have to drive Devil boy and Foggy home because the two idiots are so hangover that they can't tell the time on me mother fucking clock.""

"I sighed yeah that sounds like him, so where is your team?"

"Roof?" She simply answered back

"Stiles I know that this is none of my business but I feel like I should tell you... You and my friend Peter share the same eyes."

"Like eyes colour or shape?" I asked as the green alien lady was confusing me

"No they both hold a sadness and horror within them." Said Garmora and this time I know what she was talking about in fact I had a similar convocation about my eyes with foggy, it would have been about a year ago now on the anniversary of the day my mother died.

Flashback to that day

I was reading a book known as wolf creek with the news playing on the tv in the background

(thank you Mattybear212 for suggesting I read the book series loved the first book and am on the 2 prequel known as wolf creek desolation game 👌🏻😊... anyway back to the book at hand)

Foggy and I where having a chill day while my father and Matt when looking for this new hero that calls himself Spider-Man. He not that much older than me but honestly look at his costume it's so dodgy it's not funny, I honestly might let my father make Spiderman a costume like he said me would do as soon as he found that spider boy. If you ask me I think he just trying to get that spider boy's number and maybe some other things... if you know what I mean.

I am pulled out of though by the sound of a voice I never wanted to hear in my life ever again.

"Mysclaw Stilinski, it's been 7 years please just turn yourself into the police."

His voice came from the Tv. I pulled the book from my face to see...HIM!

It was my father... No my father is Wade Wilson... That monster is known as Noah Stilinski.

"Stiles if you turn yourself into the police now there will minor punishments but if you don't you will go to jail son." said Noah with a blank sound stare in his hazel eyes.

"How fucking dare he." He growled in anger as I punched the Tv backing in and making my made covered in oozeling blood and shards of glass.

I sit back on the couch and look at the floor as I let the blood from my wound drip onto the wooden floor.

I killed those people on the bus


I killed the guards on the red room mission


I killed the Jester


I HURT Winter

Drip, drop


Drip, drop, drip

"Stiles, let's get this cleaned up." said foggy pulling me out of my mind and back to reality. I was in no mood to talk so I just nodded my head and we move to the bathroom to clean my wound. I was just too emotional numb at the moment to even try and do anything beside nod or shake my head.

Foggy finished cleaning my wound and pulled me into a hug and said " Stiles stop trying to be strong for two minutes, I can see how much you are hurt and not just physically, I can it in your eyes."

Flashback ends

I know I don't know Garmora well enough to tell her my whole story but maybe... just maybe I could tell her about one of the horrible events that made me who I am today.

"I was eight years old, I had everything, I home, a happy and loving family and a safe place but that didn't last," I started with a sigh

"I thought Deadpool was your father."

"Not Biologically," I told her as I continued my story

"One day my mother got sick, the doctors said she had frontotemporal dementia, she had about 3 months to live before her body forgot how to breathe, speak or walk."

"Peter's mother died from something called Cancer." said Garmora

I kept going with my story knowing if I didn't I would find a way to run away from Garmora and be a hermit somewhere, "It started small like she forgot the name of our hometown but then it go worse she didn't remember anyone except for my father and I,"

"As my mother's condition worsened my father became an alolichic and buried himself in work leaving me at the hospital, slowly watching her die."

"You don't have to go on, I know how hard this is for you." said Garmora putting her arm on me in a comforting manner.

"I started this story I should finish it for you." I said with a stone like expression on my face, willing myself not to cry.

"One night my father was late to pick me up and me being the curious kid I was went exploring around the hospital while my mother slept, I went onto the roof of the hospital little did I know I was being followed."

"I look out to the beautiful sunsets we had in my hometown when suddenly I turned around to see my mother standing in a hospital gown behind me." I explained as I felt the feeling of dread build up inside me.

"She said I was killing her, after a lot if crying of crying she said, I don't have a son and that was the moment I realised she didn't remember me, she ran at on instincts I made myself as possible, she tripped over me."

I let out a dry humourless laugh, "Even as she fell to her death she blamed me."

"I am so sorry Stiles, I had no idea." she said giving me a pity look

"Don't look at me like that, I don't want your pity, you can shove that up Logan's butt for all I care." I grumbled to her when suddenly there was a knock at the door.     

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