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I sauntered back to the cave, exhausted. Although I was indeed burned-out from the trails that had taken place today, I was also thoroughly pleased with myself. Not only did Vivian and I beat Gregor into submission, but I also saved my best friend's life, and won the stealth contest with her! It was an entirely accomplishing day. As I drearily trudged up the path, my cave's opening could be seen from where I was. And leaning against the rock wall of the opening, was my mother. She was leaning sideways on it so that her hip and left shoulder was supporting her body against the rock face. She faced me, her face expressionless. As I came within an earshot of her I asked, "what's up?" With a fake grin on my face, trying to hide my immense nervousness for the near future, if I had one after my mother had finished with me.
She ushered me inside, and I awkwardly sat on the fur-covered bed. "So, how was school?" She inquired in a monotonous tone.
You know those times when you do something naughty, but she acts like she doesn't know? So, she asks weird questions to try and drag what she was looking for out of you without being too obvious? But also trying to get you to lie about the situation for which you had gotten(or were going to get) yourself into more, so that you could get yourself into even more trouble than you were already in the first place, so that she can punish you harder? Yeah, that was my mom. And I knew that was exactly what she was doing.
After thinking long and hard about what I should do, I decided to turn it back on her so she would be the one in the spotlight. "Well, I'm guessing you know." I uttered "being in such good touch with the teachers and all." I continued, more hastily this time. "As a matter of fact, I do." She answered. "I heard there was a little incident with Gregor this morning. Apparently the dragons were a little too affectionate towards the boy." My mother stated in between mouthfuls of yak chops. I looked down at my dinner, and continued to eat quietly as the fire in the pit danced ominously, glowing in our dimly lit cave. "All right!" My mother exclaimed, slamming her hands on the table. "I've had enough of this useless banter! I know dragons; and I know they don't just go crazy like that for no reason!" She shouted, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear but me, Amber, and Cloudjumper. "Maybe Gregor smelled bad." I joked teasingly. "Damn it, Tigly! I don't have any proof, but I do know that your the only one smart and clever enough to pull something like that off!" She snapped. "Why on earth would you do such a thing?" She asked in softer tones. "And don't say it was for Loki." She added. "It wasn't. It was also for Nemesis." I teased at her. "Nemesis? The goddess of revenge?!" She shouted. "What on Valhalla's green slopes did this boy do to you that made you want to give him a near heart attack, and pneumonia?" She demanded. "He's been teasing Vivian and I at school for a while and I have had enough of it." I admitted. "So I decided to remind him of exactly who he's dealing with. After all, I wouldn't want any misconceptions." I smirked.  Now it was my mother's turn to smirk. I was pretty surprised that she did, but I certainly wasn't complaining that she thought what I did was amusing. "What exactly did you do?" She queried. "I took a rag that matched Gregor's clothes and belt, dipped it in the fish basket, and slipped it between his garments after he made fun of Vivian and I for the very last time." I looked at her face to see if I could spot any hint of a reaction. I could. She was impressed.
"Well, how did the rest of your eventful day go?" She pried, clearly changing the subject. "Vivian and I tied for first in the stealth obstacle course competition!" I beamed. "That's wonderful, my love!" She exclaimed happily. Yeah, I'm probably not gonna mention the part where Vivian and I, but especially Vivian, nearly died jumping off of a cliff on a hunch that some random vine was gonna hold our asses long enough to swing to the other side. I resolved.
"You'd better get some sleep." My mother stated, lovingly kissing me on the forehead. "It's a big day tomorrow." "Why?" I inquired curiously. "Tomorrow's graduation day."
Author's note: hey guys! Sorry this chapter was kinda short, I just didn't know what else to write that would fit into context with this chapter. But nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoyed! Be sure to vote, and leave a comment giving me advise, or telling me what you think about the story so far! Love you guys, bye!

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