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I glided through the air atop Amber's back. The frigid wind nipping at the part of my face that wasn't concealed by my golden owl mask, which I had purchased at the Northern Markets, before I "flew the coop" so to speak.

Amber and I dove through the fluffy clouds, which reminded me of the foam that would always be suspended atop the mead I've seen served in the pub at the Northern Markets, though I had never tried it.

The moon, like a makeshift light house in the blackness of the night, shown through the clouds, giving them a silvery glow.

Today was the day I would execute my heist. Although I hadn't put much time or effort into the plan, I was still slightly excited to take down another Dragon hunter base; on my own, no less.

I suppose some of the elatement came from the fact that I desperately needed to quench the urge to do something useful again. I hadn't done much to search for my brother since I had left Valkayda, and I had a voice in the back of my head, always telling me that I could, and should, do more. At last, I had the chance to recommence the search for my long lost sibling. Not only that, but I had always blamed the Grimborns and the Dragon Hunters for Threk's death, and my mother's imprisonment. Because of them, I spent nine years assuming I was an orphan, and had been robbed of one of my best, and dearest friends.

It felt rather satisfying to know that by attacking this port, I was knocking a brick out of the Grimbornes metaphorical house of slavery, unnecessary destruction, and dragon massacre. I knew I wouldn't stop attacking their business, until there was nothing left of their establishment, but a pile of indiscernible rubble.

I spotted specks of golden lights shining through the silver shimmer of the towering cumulus clouds.

My object of attack was just beneath the thick layer of clouds. My victims were still carrying about their business, completely unaware of my presence. I just hoped I would acquire what I was searching for. Otherwise, it would take much longer to decimate Krom's business, and alert my brother of my existence.

I circled around the port, like a predator circles it's prey while waiting for the right moment to attack.

I went deeper into the layer of clouds, eying all of their defenses, which considering who runs the place, wasn't much.

I decided on doing a little sniping with my crossbow.

I stayed high enough in the clouds so they couldn't quite see me, but low enough so I could get a decent shot in the patches that weren't blurred by the clouds.

There it was, the perfect opening. I saw the guard standing there, manning one of the net shooters, scanning the horizon for intruders.

No matter how alert he thought he was, however, he neglected to look up.

Which is the direction the arrow came from. As it stuck his neck, the force of it pushing him sideways, which made him topple i grace fully, but surprisingly quietly, onto the rickety floor boards of the watch tower.

No one else was up there, so I assumed it would be a while before anyone found the body.

"Alright Amber, you're up." I told my Deathsong. She aimed, and fired her sticky amber at the netting gadget, rendering it useless.

I silently moved to the next watch tower, and shot another oblivious Dragon Hunter. Amber incased the ballista in an orange cocoon.

Ghost RiderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ