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      Heather's face blanched a bit, but she quickly regained her composure.

"No, that's impossible. I know Hiccup, and I also know that he is an only child and that his mother is dead." She seemed to be reassuring herself more than me.

"Well, until about year ago, I thought I was an only child without a father."

"But Hiccup's mother was taken and killed by dragons!"

"No one saw her die, did they?"

"Well, no. Not that I know of, anyway. The story is that a dragon broke into the Haddocks' house. Hiccup's mom tried to protect him, so the dragon took her and flew away. She was never seen again."

"She was taken to Valkayda." I explained. "When that dragon took her, she was pregnant with me. I was born there. The dragon that took her helped raise me; his name is Cloudjumper."

Heather leaned against the cool stone walls, her eyes wide as she tried to comprehend all that I had just told her.

"If my mother is alive, then I need to find him and bring him to her as quickly as possible. Then we can finally be a family!" I joyfully stated.

"Okay, but not until you are completely healed. Also, do you have any weapons?"

"No, I don't. They were all taken from me when Viggo took me hostage." I stated his name with venom. A name that once brought happiness to me now tasted sour in my mouth.

"You know Viggo?" Heather questioned.

"Yeah, he's an asshole."

"That, we can agree on."

"Listen Heather, I appreciate all of your help, really I do. I may not be healed or have any weapons, but I have to save my dragon and find my brother. You can understand that, right?" I pleaded

Heather sighed. "Yes, I understand. More than you know." She paused. "Fine, I'll let you go; but only if you tell me your plan."

"I- uh" I tried to come up with something, but no ideas came floating into my head.

"You wing everything, don't you."

"Uh-kinda." I awkwardly chuckled as I rubbed the back of my neck and avoided eye contact.

"Yeah, you're definitely Hiccup's sister." Heather grumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"Since you can't come up with a decent enough plan to not get yourself killed, we're going with my plan."

"Which is?"

"Which is getting your strength up. You've obviously been through a lot, so this may take some time. While we're waiting for your wounds to heal, we can make weapons good enough to take on a Dragon Hunter camp. You also need to train a lot. I'm guessing you haven't done any of that since you were taken hostage. This training includes dragon flying when we get Amber back. Which you will need to do a lot of before you go after Hiccup. It's pretty dangerous, and I'd hate to see you get captured again. Anyway, that's my plan. Sound good?" Heather raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for a response.

"Well, it's better than mine." I gave in.

A week later, when I could finally walk properly, we began making new axes for me.

First, we had to make a mold which was a lot easier said than done. But with Windshear's help, it was at least achievable.

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