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   My groggy mind tried its best to command my heavy eyelids to open. It took more will power than I expected, but the fact that it took so much effort was the least of my concern. Even in my lethargic state, I tried to focus on my surroundings.

There were whispering voices echoing around the claustrophobic halls of the ship, though I could not comprehend what they said.

Someone was striding down the drafty walkways towards me. I instinctively scrunched my eyelids shut again, assuming I would have a better advantage if the person surmised I was still unconscious.

The footsteps were getting louder.

I tried to be as still as possible, although it seems as though, in times like these, it is the most difficult of tasks.

The footsteps abruptly ceased at my cell. Now I knew the person was coming specifically for me.

I listened intently, as I heard the distinct noise of my cell door creaking open, then being slammed shut again.

Three more purposeful footsteps were heard, before there was deafening silence once more.

That meant that this stranger was standing directly in front of me. Shuffling broke the silence, but no more footsteps sounded. That meant that this person had either crouched, or bent over. I alleged it was the former, considering that, that option was much more comfortable.

I felt the stranger's warm breath on my neck. In vain, I tried to suppress the goosebumps that arose, due to the unusual close contact.

I didn't know what was going to happen, but I was firm in my decision of not finding out.

My eyes shot open, my fist clenched, and quickly punched my visitor square in the nose.

By the time my brain registered who it was, he was already on his back groaning, and clutching his nose.

It was Viggo.

"If you wanted me to whoop your ass you should have just asked, instead of sneaking into my cell and crouching over me like a pervert."I reproached.

"First of all, if you're so good at what you call "Ass whooping", then why are you here in the first place? Second of all, I wasn't being a pervert, I was checking your pulse to make sure you were still alive after we whooped your ass. Which, clearly, your are."

"You call that an ass whooping? Please. All you did was slap me around bit." I shrugged.

"Well considering we broke two of your ribs, and caused significant bruising to your face, I'd say we did a pretty good job of 'slapping you around a bit'" Viggo air quoted.

"Ok, first of all, stop saying 'we'. You weren't even there. It was your dad who did all the work. Second of all, how in Thor's name do you know about my ribs?"

"I'm the one who bandaged you up, my dear." He answered, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"And why the hell would a high fluting individual like yourself, bandage a prisoner?" I questioned dryly.

"I can't have you dying on me. What would be the fun in that?" Vigo replayed, with his annoyingly smooth British accent.

"Well, if you don't want me to die, you'd better leave. Because your annoying me to death."

In one smooth movement, he was standing upright. His tunic made a soft 'swooshing' sound, as he exited the cell, and shut the door behind him. 

At last i was alone again, free to drown in my own oppressing thoughts, of the fact that i may never leave this cell.

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