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I bolted upright, my mouth gaping open and screaming. I didn't know how long I had been screaming either, but my throat was rather hoarse. It is strange waking up this way; not knowing what you had been doing for the past couple of hours. At least, that is how long I assumed I had been sleeping for, although I had no real way of knowing. There was complete absence of light in my quarters, and I began to fear malnourishment because of this. I mean think about it, no one could possibly go this long without sunlight and not sustain some nutrition problems.

A gazed down at my body, and although it was very dark, I could still make out the silhouette of my frail form and tell that I was shaking and sweating profusely.

I began to ponder my dream. Had I killed all of them? My friends, my family, my village? Was it true? I know it was nothing more than a dream, but it still haunted my like a ghost wandering the ruins of an abandoned village, seeping through the vacant framework of every hut.

I tried to slow my breathing to a normal pace, but nothing was working. Before long, racking sobs had taken over my body; shaking it more than the fear already had.

I had never been so traumatized by a dream before, and I know it was silly to get so worked up about something that wasn't even real. However, in that moment, it was very real to me. Just as real as the corners of my prison which i was presently leaning against.

After about fifteen minutes or so, the guard stationed outside my cell had grown tired and annoyed at my piercing screams and terrified sobs. The door abruptly swung open with such a force, that it slammed into the metal wall behind it. The deafening noise of metal clashing against metal made me jump about half a foot into the air. Of course, I am certain this is not accurate, but that is what it felt like. I put my hand in front of my face to shield my eyes from the onslaught of the blinding light, and wondered what my door was doing open and who had opened it.

Has Viggo come to visit me again? I pondered hopefully.

My hopes were dashed as I felt a sharp sting on the right side of my face. The guard had apparently backhanded me for disturbing his sleep.

With a voice at large volumes, and a few vulgar words, he told my to be quiet and stormed out of my cell.

He slammed the door shut with as much force as he had opened it with. It shut out the light, and I was again abandoned in darkness. I didn't mind the darkness much, but it was the inescapable boredom that was the real torture in this cell. I had absolutely nothing to do. Although, during this time of solitude, I've had much time to reflect on my life, I ascertained that it was beginning to get to me.

I don't know how long I laid there after my cell guard came to reprimand me, but it felt like days. Although, I'm pretty sure it was only a couple of hours.

After the adrenaline seeped out of my body, I finally realized how famished I was.

I had been receiving a lot less food now that I was imprisoned in solitary confinement.

I gazed down at my form, as I carefully pulled up my shirt. The first thing that caught my eye were my ribs my, which jutted out my my body like great mountains jut out of the earth, due to malnourishment.

The second thing I noticed were the bruises that were littered across my visible ribs. They were all different colors.

Some of them were purple, or green, or yellow, or even a sickly color of blue. A few were even a crimson red.

All I was wearing was a loose shirt and pants. The Dragon Hunters confiscated all of my armor, which made up most of my outfit. It was getting colder, which meant it was getting closer to autumn.

I used to adore autumn. Now I dreaded the season, and the frigid air it would bring with it.

I timidly brushed my fingers across my multicolored stomach. Gasping in pain, I quickly drew back my hand and pulled my shirt back down.

As I began to drift off into a sea of countless thoughts, the squeaking of my cell door jolted me out of my imagination and shoved me back into my cruel reality.

Patiently waiting for my eyes to adjust to the light pouring into my cell, I scooted up into a sitting position. This minuscule task was much more laborious than it sounds. My whole body was stiff from healing flesh, painful bruises, and long periods of minimal movement.

What once was a silhouette in my eyes, morphed into the form of Viggo Grimborn.

His lips formed a smirk, but it wasn't a cruel looking smirk, it was more of a I-know-something-you-don't smirk.

My eyebrows furrowed at his expression, and I wondered what knowledge he possessed that I didn't.

"What?" I questioned.

"I have a treat for you." He stated ominously.

He wanted to keep me on my toes, and I knew it.

I said nothing else, but shakily stood up when he motioned for me to follow him.

I shuffled one trembling foot in front of the other, as I attempted to walk. The last time I remembered walking was when I was hauled off to the captains chambers to be tortured.

My eyes only darted once to Viggo, who was leaning up against the door, patiently waiting for me, as I kept my focus on the wooden floor.

Right foot...left foot...right foot...left foot. I repeated the same phrase in my head over and over again.

I couldn't focus on anything but the fact that if I stopped, I might topple over.

At last, I reached the door. Viggo said nothing, but only gazed down at me.

I could feel the heat of his stare burning through my head as I kept my focus on the floor.

Unable to bear it anymore, I slowly craned my neck to look at him.

His face was expressionless as he wrapped a fur cloak around me, and supported my feeble form.

We slowly walked to the end of the rows of dragon confinements. Each of them were identical to the one I had stayed in before I was thrown into solitary confinement.

Most of them contained dragons of various species.

It was in this moment, as I awkwardly shuffled down the hall, leaning against Viggo for support, that I realized I was not alone in my imprisonment. I never was.

This was perhaps even more comforting than being allowed to step out of my dank cell.

As  we seemingly reached our destination at the end of the hall, a wave of fear washed over me and I immediately tended up. We were in front of the extravagant golden door of the Captain's chambers.

Viggo must have noticed my uneasiness, because he stared down at me with an expression I couldn't recognize.

It was something I hadn't seen in a while, and I hardly knew what to make of it. Was it sympathy? Remorse? I didn't know, but it was something very unfamiliar to me.

Luckily, we veered off to the side of the door, and entered into the room beside it.
The door was much less lavish, but still had gold and precious gems attached to it. Just much less.

As I circumspected the room we had entered, I noticed a large bed by the wall. Many furs, and expensive blankets were neatly folded atop of it. Next to the foot of the bed, there was a bookcase with a plethora of books with leather covers. They all had various Norse inscriptions on them.

Many of the books were about a certain species of dragon, but I didn't spend too much time staring at his collection.

I finally voiced the question that had been at the tip of my tongue throughout this whole experience.

"Why am I here?" I whispered.
   Oooooh cliff hanger XD. Out our curiosity, what do you think is going to happen?

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