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"You ready?" Vivian inquired, holding her pickaxes in both hands.

I looked over to Threk, making sure he was ready as well, he shot me a smirk and I knew he was.

"I was born ready." I smirked.

I turned to Amber, "Ok girl, you need to stay here for now. We need to be as quiet as possible. Wait till I give the signal."


That was our signal. It meant that the Zippleback squadron had arrived.

"Let's wait ten minutes to give the guards a chance to clear out before we infiltrate Krom's quarters." I suggested.

"Good idea."

"Copy that." My friends replied.

   Ten minutes had passed, and it was finally time. I patted myself up and down, making sure I had all the weapons I needed for the assassination, and whatever came with it.

I had a dagger on the right side of my right boot, another dagger strapped to its leather holder on my lower left arm, I had my yak skin gloves that were cut off at the fingers and thumbs with gronkle iron balls adorned on my knuckles. I also had my horn resting on my left hip, that my mother gave me, to use as a signal to summon my dragon. I had my collapsible bow (it folded in half) in my quiver, which rested by my right hip, with at least twenty gronkle-iron-tip arrows. I had my double boomerang axes, or "piper axes" as I like to call them(because of the sound they make while turning back towards me), strapped to my back. My axes, as you might have guessed, come back to me after I throw them. They're specially made with a mix of  gronkle iron, Deathsong Amber, and razorwhip scales; making them extremely light which was perfect for my flimsy body.

In other words, I was armed to the teeth.

I laced my fingers around the smooth handles of my pickaxes, crouched down by the cliff, and slid off.

I was careening towards the bottom at a remarkable speed, so I thrust my pickaxes into the rock-hard cliff face.

It wrenched my arms up as they slowed me down.

I tried my best to get into a better position, so my arms would stop throbbing at the sudden, upward movement.

I glanced up to see my fellow soldiers behind me. Threk flashed me his signature smirk, and I smirked back. Vivian gave me a reassuring smile.

I looked back at my destination which was getting frightfully close;

Ok, I told myself, time to jump.

And with that I leaped off of the cliff face, leaving my pickaxes dangling on the cliff face.

I prayed to Thor that I would make it, as I looked down that the jaw dropping distance between me and the firm ground.

Time seemed to be playing in slow motion again; like it did when I leaped off of that gorge for the vine in stealth class.

Wether my life was going to continue pass this point or not, utterly depended on the strength I thrust into my leap.

But as I saw the roof nearing me, I knew I was going to make it.

I stuck the landing with a summersault as I made contact with Krom's roof.

I quickly looked behind me, to see Threk and Vivian  jumping as well.

Vivian leaped first. with all her strength, she pushed herself towards the roof.

She barely made it.

She clutched to the edge of the roof with all her might.

I rushed to pull her up as I saw Threk nearing the jump as well.

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