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I left the Northern Markets in a hurry. I didn't know how many people had seen me come in, and recognized who I was. If they did, they could tell my mother, and I would never find Hiccup.

I reached Amber, saddled up, and flew off into the distance.

I knew I couldn't return to the island I had stayed at last night.

a): because it was too far for me to fly to attack Dragon Hunter ships in Berk's waters.

And b): because rule #1 of being on the run: never stay in the same place twice.

So off I fly, to find a new island to act as my base for the night.
I lost track of how much time had past since I had left the bustling venders of the Northern Markets.

The sky was a twilight color now, so I guessed it was around six or seven pm.

I stayed in the clouds, so no one would detect my uninvited appearance.

Off in the distance, I saw lights on an island. It looked like a port of some sort. Hey that rhymes!

I decided to do some recon.

I slowly circled around the island, making sure to stay as hidden as possible. Who knew if these people were friend or foe?

Lucky for me, Amber blends right into the twilight with her black, and aquamarine colors.

Now that I got a closer look at the port, I could circumspect all the ships that were docked there. Lazily swaying side to side to the rhythm of the slopping waves.

I looked at their sales, searching for the mark painted there, so I would know who owned them.

Then I saw it, plain as day.

The Dragon Hunters' mark.

Perfect. I thought.

This was a port for Dragon Hunters. A base, possibly.

If I steal the manifest, and can find a map with all the ships' routes, then I can know which ones to attack, based on what they're carrying (dragons, food, supplies, weapons, etc.), and I'll always know exactly where they'll be. I carefully planned my heist in my head.

Even though it was night, I tried to look for the best vantage points, how many weapons they had, and how strong their defenses were.

"We'll come back tomorrow, and scope the place out better." I divulged to Amber.

Now, I just needed to find an island with enough cover in case of an attack, close enough to the port I wanted to attack, but far enough away so they wouldn't spot any irregular activity near them.

I decided on an island about twenty miles away. Which, when on the back of a dragon, was nothing.

It had a large mountain on one side of the island, and lots of forest on the other. On the shore of the side with the forest, there was a small beach. Perfect for a nice relaxing swim.

What? Just because I'm on the run from my mother and her search party, searching for my long-lost brother, planning an attack on a Dragon Hunter port, stealing the ships manifest and maps, so that I can attack Dragon Hunter ships, leaving them for Hiccup to find, so I can draw him out, does not mean that I can't have a little fun.

I also found that there were many caves at the base of the mountain, which was perfect for Amber and I to sleep in.

I just had to find the perfect one.

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