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"Mom, what did you say?"

My mother's face turned paler then it already was, and her eyes grew wide.

"I-uh-" She stuttered, trying to cover up her mistake.

But it was too late.

"Mother, is Haddock my last name? I mean, I knew I had a last name, but I never bothered to ask since I never needed it. But..." I trailed off, loosing my train of thought in all of the confusion.

I felt like I was drowning in all of my new-found information, and the only information I had received was one word.

But that word, that one name, changed my life forever.

I just wasn't sure if it was for the better just yet.

"It must be the painkiller." My mother justified to herself, referring to her sudden will to tell the truth.

"Mom," I started quietly "Is the boy that the rumors are about, related to me?"

My mother's eyes got teary. She looked at me, her emerald eyes glistening in the dancing flames by the fireplace.

"He's your brother." She whispered. "But the rumors aren't true!" She rushes in a louder voice. "He never tamed a night fury, and he doesn't fly dragons. However, he did kill the Red Death. And that's why I never told you about him. Because where he comes from, all they do is kill dragons. They never show mercy, they're known throughout the archipelago for their ruthlessness towards dragons. They sign all important documents in blood. When a child becomes of age, they are sent to a dragon killing academy where they learn how to fight dragons. Tigly, one child, the best of the dragon killers, to graduate from the academy, they must kill a Monstrous Nightmare and hang their head on a pole. And your brother was the best of the best."

My eyes grew wide at this news.

How could someone be so cruel to dragons? I knew dragon hunters were cruel, but this was unthinkable. I, no matter what happens, am never going there. I can't risk them catching Amber, not even to find my long lost brother, it's too risky.

"Wether the rumors are true or not, I have a brother. And I'm going to find him wether you like it or not."

"No! Tigly, please! Wait, you can't!" My mother pleaded.

But I was already out the door.

How could my mother possibly do this to me? How could she keep my own brother from me? This is the type of thing you here about in children's stories, it's not supposed to happen! She knew I was missing something my whole life, yet she withheld such valuable information from me! How could she do this to me? To her own daughter? And to her son? How could she leave her only son?

My thoughts churched in my head like a raging sea, threatening to drag me down into oblivion.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I knew two things.

1: I had a brother.

And 2: I was going to find him.

I looked to the right of the trail I was currently trodding on, and down the cliff. In the silver light of the moon at its apex, I saw Vivian's chocolate brown hair glistening in the rays of the full moon.

She was feeding her Deadly Nadar some berries, talking softly to her companion.

She doesn't know. I need to tell her, she would know what to do, she always does.

"Psst!" I hissed.


Dammit! She can't hear me!

I pick up a small pebble, and tossed it in her direction.

Her head whips around at the sound of the rock's impact with the ground.

"Vivs!" I hissed again, trying not to wake anybody up.

She looked at me questioningly, and I motion for her to fly up to me.

In a couple of seconds, she was standing right in front of me.

Damn she's fast. I mused.

"What's up?" She queried.

"I need to tell you something."
I finished my story, as I spilled about all that had taken place that day; about the rumors that the bread lady had told me, and everything else after.

"Wait, so let me get this straight. You have a brother?!" She gaped.

"Yup." Was all that my dumbfounded mind could muster to spit out at the moment.

"Vivian, what should I do? I can't just stay here. Not when I know I have a brother somewhere out there, who may be missing something just as much as I am. It's an empty, awful feeling; and I won't let anyone go through that when I know I can stop it. For both myself, and for him." I rushed, thinking that she would decide against what my heart was begging me to do.

"Then you need to go to him." She whispered quietly, her sweet voice barely audible.

"Wait, really?"

"Yes." She sighed. "Tigly, you have to follow your heart, and if your heart tells you to go find your long-lost brother, then you have to do it." She sounded utterly defeated, knowing that she may never see her best friend again.

I knew the feeling.

"Come on," She beckoned, as she rose to her feet from the dew-kissed grass we had been sitting on, our feet dangling off of the cliff. "I'll help you pack."

"Oh thank you Vivs!" I exclaimed, giving my best friend a bear hug.

"Alright, Alright, lets get you packed." She chuckled.

   Vivian and I finished packing my belongings; just the bare minimum that I would need for the journey. I told her that I would camp on an island not far from here for the night. It had many trees, and would be easy for Amber and I to stay concealed there, until I had gained enough sleep for us to continue the journey.

Vivian promised me that she wouldn't tell anyone where I was going, she said that wild Rumblehorns couldn't trample it out of her.

And I wholeheartedly believed her.

I put all my things into a sack which had leather straps, so I could sling it onto my back.

Although my weapons I hid under Amber's saddle.

"I think that's about it. Your ready to go." Vivian choked out, trying not to cry.

I pulled her into a hug, as the dams she put up to hold back her tears, broke onto my shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay." I comforted, rubbing her back.

I pulled away from her, slung my bag over my shoulders, and walked out of the cave entrance.

"I'll come back to you. I promise." I vowed to my best friend, as I mounted my dragon, and took off into the night.

I watched my home shrink into the distance, as the wind blew my braided hair, and the moonlight kissed my cheeks.

I will find you, brother.

Author's note: hey guys! If you have any questions about the story or if you have any ideas about what I should do next, or scenarios i should put in there, LET ME KNOW!! COMMENT or PM me. I would love to here from you guys, and am totally open to suggestions! If you enjoyed the story, I would absolutely looove it if you VOTED it takes like two secs and brings me a ton of happiness, but if not, then that's totally fine. Love you guys!

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