CHAPTER VIII: Graduation Day

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I woke up to Amber nuzzling my face with hers.
I reluctantly opened my eyes and let a grunt slip out of my lips as I stretched, trying to fight my nearly unescapable urge to neglect today's tasks, and slip back into unconsciousness. However, deep down I knew my mother would never allow such a luxury. As I opened my eyes I noticed that even the sun was barely awake. "This is outrageous" I grumbled tiredly. As I circumspected the room, I noticed a light, flowing green dress laid neatly on the table located at the other side of the cave. The dress was a dark green. It reminded me of the emerald, and jade stones that I sometimes spotted at the venders in the Northern Market. There was brown ribbon sewn into it, and on top of the ribbon, was stitched various Celtic designs in yellow thread. This beautifully detailed ribbon covered almost every seam throughout the whole dress. My sleeves had this ribbon too. The sleeves were not sewn together to cover my arms and shoulders however, they were merely held together by two small, metal pins. One for each sleeve. Although the top of the sleeves ended about three inches above my elbow, the bottoms flowed elegantly down to the bottom of the dress. (Author's note: if you want to see what the dress actually looked like, refer to the next chapter.) it was the most beautiful garment I had ever seen! It was much different from my regular skirt, pants, and shirt. (Author's note: if you also want to see what these looked like, refer to the next chapter.) although I usually despise dresses for their inconvenience to move, run, and climb as I please, I will definitely make an exception for this elegant statement of breathtaking fashion.
As I was gawking at my graduation apparel, I heard "Well I'm glad you like the dress" my mother chuckled as she walked into the cave. She must have seen me staring with my mouth open like a half-wit. "Yeah, it's alright." I stated pridefully. I didn't want my mother to know how much I appreciated the dress, because I didn't want to be that person that kisses peoples' feet in gratitude and gratefulness like a damn fool. Instead I kept my complacent posture. However, I really did want my mother to know how much I adored the dress, so I forced out the words "I am grateful." Monotonously. "Well, why don't you get out of your sleep wear and try it on?" My mom suggested. "Sure." I shrugged, secretly delighted that she had brought up the pleasing idea. I strutted around the cave, back and forth, trying to feel every inch of the expensive fabric that gently caressed my freckled skin. "Give us a turn." My mother commanded with a huge grin on her face, obviously proud of her daughter. I was relieved that she felt this way. Success has always driven me forward to the next challenging task at hand; and my mother, a warrior, a Dragon Protector, a chieftess, and savior of dragons, was proud of me. I would definitely deem that as a success.
I did as I was told, and slowly spun around so my mother could see the dress on me from all angles. "It's perfect." She stated, trying to hold back tears of pridefulness. "Yes it is." I concurred. I looked down to see amber gazing up at me in appreciation. Thor, I love my dragon. I mused to myself. "Oh, look at Amber! She loves you so much." My mother truthfully stated. "I love her too." I replied. And then I continued. I decided to tell my mother something that I've been dying to mention to her ever since the first few months that I had Amber. "But she's not my missing link." I expressed disappointedly. I wasn't disappointed in Amber, of course, but I was disappointed that I still hadn't found what I have been searching for my entire life. "W-What?" My mother stuttered, struggling to find coherent words to put into a sentence. I wonder why she acts this way every time I bring up my "Missing Link" problem. Maybe she's just surprised that I'm having this issue in the first place. I mused. My mother took a deep breath to recompose herself, and stated "you'll find it, my love, one day." And with that she walked away.
I walked down the grassy path that led to the great hall, but stopped at Vivian's cave so we could walk down together. "Good morning, Tigly!" Vivian greeted "Morning, dear." Vivian's mother welcomed "Morning, Vivs!" I replied. "Vivs" was a nickname I sometimes called my best friend due to her rather lengthy name. "Good morning, miss Cheseanannha!" I stated, happily greeting Vivian's mother, as I entered their warmly lit cave. If you haven't noticed already, long names obviously run in the family. I mean, Vivian's dad's name is Rithvusbrauker! Who in their right mind names their kid Rithvusbrauker?! Evidently, Vivian's family. Well, luckily her name is easier to pronounce. I thought. "Wow your dress is beautiful, Vivs!" I exclaimed. Her dress was a brilliant blue that seemed to fade and darken as it rested on Vivian's delicate body. It reminded me of the crashing waves in the sea that rose and fell after a mighty storm. The front part of the dress had elegant white sequences which, to me, looked like white roses, that rested gracefully on her chest. She had a sensible white, cotton blouse under her gown.  The sleeves were as lucent as the snow that fell in December, reaching all the way down to her dainty wrists. Tied loosely around her waist, was a stately, dark green ribbon. It was lined with stitched white daisies. It also had Celtic designs in the middle.
(Author's note: if you wanna see what this one looks like too, refer to the next chapter like the others.)
"Thank you." She stated humbly, as she looked down in adoration at her apparel. "You ready?" I queried with a tentative voice. "Yup! Officially ready to start Dragon Riding." She replied with a sigh of excitement. I giggled as we left. "Bye girls!" Cheseanannha said as we trotted down the path. "We'll see you at the graduation!" We chimed.
Graduation went agreeably. We were all seated at the vast, outstretched table, eating our graduation breakfast. It was a breakfast because it was custom to start ceremonies, such as this one, at dawn, so that when the sun came to greet us, we would be starting this day anew. It's kind of poetic I guess, but I do not usually associate myself with such frivolous affairs. However, seeing that an abnormally large breakfast would be my reward for collaborating with such unnecessary customs, I suppose I will concede. Besides, there's yak milk!
Anyway, back to breakfast. My mother, being the chieftess and all, sat at the head of the table in the large wooden armchair, which I previously mentioned. (refer to chapter 3) I sat to the right of her, because I was her daughter. And Vivian sat to the left. The left side of the armchair had no significance, but I officially dubbed it the "Best Friend's Seat" when we first started eating here. That way Vivian and I could converse with each other easier. The rest of the seats were unimportant. However, to the right of me sat a boy much older than I. Yet, he was here at the graduation ceremony. I'm sure I haven't seen him anywhere at class. Or maybe I have. Maybe I just didn't pay any attention to him. After all, there are many students at my class, and only one of me. But I mean, he looks so much older! How could I have missed that? But then again, I was paying more attention to my teacher and nothing fellow classmates, but still! Then a gentle nudge interrupted my mulling. I whipped around to see who had disturbed me. I was met with the smiling face of the boy who I was just thinking about. I got a better look at him now, he had light blonde hair. The lightest I've ever seen. Bright blue eyes like sapphire, that seemed to stare into my soul and read my inner-most thoughts. His skin was kissed ever so gently by the warm, refreshing rays of the sun, giving him a slight tan, but barely noticeable. It gave him a stunning countenance. His friendly smile melted my heart, though I had only gazed upon him for a moment. Snap out of it, Tigly! I scolded myself. "Can I help you?" I asked in a stern voice after regaining my composure. "Hi, I'm Threk, what's your name?" He asked in an Irish accent. "Tigly." I replied proudly, holding my head up high. "How old are you?" I asked. "I'm ten. You?" He queried. "Six." I answered dryly. "If your ten, then how is it that your graduating this class. Shouldn't you be in Combat?" I pointed out. "Yeah, but I was really sick until I was seven, so I kinda got a late start." He explained. "Oh. Well I'm glad your feeling better." I admitted. "Well I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other." He winked.
Author's note: hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update, there was so much I wanted to get into this chapter, and it took me a while to figure out how I was gonna fit it all in. It's a little longer too, I know, but I didn't want to make two chapters about the same thing. Anyway, what do you guys think of Threk? Let me know, ok? Also, if you like the chapter, be sure to vote I would really appreciate it! Love you guys, bye!

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