CHAPTER XIII: Realization

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   The teacher finally returned from wherever she had slunk off to during the spectacle caused by none other than Amber, and yours truly. Storming through the growing accumulation of hyped up classmates, and other spectating villagers. I was mounted atop of two rather tall Combat boys, who were still shouting my now rather popular nickname.

"Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider, Ghost Ri-"

"Enough!" My furious teacher shrieked.

She had a thing with order, and this was the complete opposite of it. And I, the cause of said disorder, was most-likely in for quite a rough time for as long as I had Mith as my mentor.

Dragon Riding is not going to be easy for me. I truthfully mused. Sounds like a challenge. I love a good challenge.

   Mith finally quieted down the riot, and all students went to their respective classes.

The Dragon Riding students, including me, stood in a line with our dragons by our sides, quietly whispering, and giggling about the incident that took place moments before which earned my immediate, and rather unwanted fame.

"Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider!" My best friend whispered in my ear, pumping her fist up and down in the air.

"Oh shut up." I replied, rolling my eyes, but also secretly pleased at my flying performances; even though most of it was on accident.

"Oh, come on, I know you. You like the nickname, and you most certainly like the fame, so don't even try to deny it." She teased.

She wasn't wrong either. Although I hated to admit it, I had gotten what I had always wanted, deep down.

Not only did I want to be the best, and to have recognition, but I also wanted to be able to live up to my mother.

My mother, who, although she failed,  tried with all her might to convince the hard-headed village of Berk to love dragons, and see them as equals. Although she never talked about this, I had heard of her ardent efforts. I figured she never talked about it because my father's death took place there, so I wasn't gonna push it. My mother, despite being taken by an unknown dragon, who took her to a strange island with strange creatures, still decided to make the most out of her situation, and began recruiting people who believed the way she did. So many people came, that it eventually created a whole village. My mother, who fights the dragon hunters every night. My mother, the dragon tamer, my mother the dragon protecter, and, last but certainly not least, my mother, the dragon freer.

I know, I know; it's a lot to live up to; but I intend to give it my best shot. I found a way to fly Amber as silent as an owl, which was a pretty good start if you ask me. Owls are known to fly silent. So silent, in fact, that their prey don't even hear them coming until it's too late. What a great advantage Amber and I have against the enemy now. I thought deviously.

"Your right. I do kind of enjoy it." I admitted thoughtfully to Vivian who was still staring at me, waiting for an answer.

"I knew it!" She whispered back gleefully.

"Yeah, Yeah. No one likes a smart ass."

Vivian plateful rolled her eyes at my reply.

"This session is over. You may all return home now. Accept for Tigly. I would like to talk to her after everyone leaves." The teacher grumpily boomed at the distracted class.

I groaned. What could she possibly want now? I internally wondered.

"You sure you don't need a weapon?" Vivian teased, referring to whatever might be coming next from my crabby teacher.

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