CHAPTER XIX: Encounter

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I woke up with a jolt as I felt the wind changing, and my ears plugging up, like they do whenever Amber and I begin to descend.

I tiredly sat up from my horizontal position, and circumspected my surroundings.

We were still in the air, but the bustling town below was becoming ever clearer as we prepared to land.

I must have been asleep for while. I mused.

I hide Amber and myself in some overhanging clouds, and gracefully land outside of the Northern Markets.

Not everyone here likes dragons; or their riders.

"Ok Amber, you know the drill." I stated as I removed the belongings I needed off of her back.

She would hide in a tree until I came back, as she usually did every time I made a visit to the markets.

"See ya later." I casually saluted to my companion, as I trotted towards the bustling town.

Ok, first thing on the list is comphry leaves. I can get that at that stand over there. They make tea with it. I tell myself.

"Hello." I greeted the woman behind the vender.

"Eh, you the un Dey call da ghost ri'er?" She asked in her thick Scottish accent.

"That's me." I shrugged nonchalantly as I scanned her vender for any herbs I might need.

"Da rumors true are dey? 'Bout da I'land?" She inquired.

"Maybe." I smirk.

I shouldn't divulge any details, they probably over-exaggerated the story which is good news for me, because the more the word gets around, the more of a reputation I get. And around here, reputations are everything. I tell myself.

I pick up a small bundle of comfrey leaves, figuring that Vikka probably won't need a plethora of the stuff.

"That'll be un gold coin, love." She tells me.

I give her the money and begin to walk away, when something catches my eye.

It was some sort of metal mask in the armor vender.

I decide to check it out, and the closer I get, the more breathe taking it gets.

It's a beautiful owl shaped mask! It's feathers were etched into the metal with striking resemblance to the real thing. It seemed to cover about half of one's face, with only ones eyes poking through the mask.

"Would you like to try it on?" The man behind the vender queried, seeing me eying his masterpiece.

"Yes I think I would."

I slowly raised the mask to my face, and tied the string behind my head.

It's a perfect fit.

The owl-shaped beak was in impeccable alignment with the bridge of my nose, and I could see clearly through the holes made for my eyes.

"How much is it?" I asked the clerk.

"Five gold coins." He replied.

I dropped the money due into his hand, and placed the mask into my satchel.

After that, I wandered the streets of the Northern Markets which were completely lined with venders selling various items. However, I didn't see them, I was too deep in thought.

I wonder if Threk would like my mask. I wonder if he's watching me right now from Valhalla. Would he be angry with me because I didn't take his body back? I mean, I left him lying there, drenched in his own blood, at the bottom of the cliff; on enemy territory, no less. I'll never know though, because my best friend is dead. And he's never coming back. I kept my head down so no one would see the single tear sliding down my cheek after that last thought.

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