36 - Hopeless Romantic

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"You have some nerve showing up here!" I wasn't bothering to hide my rage because I had a lot of anger boiling inside me.

I was waiting for this moment when I'd get my chance to confront Andrew once and for all and scream at him. He not only blackmailed me for past couple of months but also told his mother about my secret.

I mean, what kind of a person does that?

Is he a psychopath?

Honestly, I wouldn't even be surprised if that was the case. He has done some questionable things recently.

Ugh, I can't believe I ever trusted this scumbag.

Andrew noticed my bruised face and for a moment I even thought that he was feeling guilty but I soon remembered how good of an actor he was.

"Are you okay?" He asked but I couldn't hold it in any longer.

I practically exploded right in front of him but could you blame me? I had a lot of reasons to be mad at him.

"What else do you want from me, ha? Wasn't it enough, how you and your mother ruined my entire life?" I said with an angry tone but my eyes started watering from the thoughts of that horrible moment when my life crumbled right in front of my eyes. "How could you even show your face to me after what you did?! I still don't understand why you told your mom about me, what benefit does that have for you? Or maybe you just wanted to see me getting destroyed. Well if that's the case then you've succeeded because I definitely feel like crap right now."

"It... It wasn't me who told her about you. It was Violet." Andrew answered looking depressed. "She somehow found out and threatened my mom. That's why she announced that in front of everyone. I swear, I would never ever do something like that."

Ugh. Violet? God, I hate that bitch!

Wait, that doesn't even make any sense. How would Violet know about my secret when the only people I ever revealed my secret to were my friends and Andrew?

And not only that, she blackmailed his mother? How would she even threaten Maura at all?

It's clear that Andrew's not telling the whole truth.

"As if I'd ever believe a word you say!" I avoided his gaze and let the rage flow threw me. "I should've never made that deal with you. My friends warned me, they told me you were dangerous and I should have been more careful with you. They said that we were two people from different worlds and one day I'd regret that I ever trusted you. You've completely demolished my life, which I tried so hard to keep with all the lies and secrets, in one second."

"I swear, I didn't do anything." He responded. "I only blackmailed you in order to get closer to you. I would never actually tell anyone about your secret."

Oh, wow. It doesn't seem like his lies have an end.

Is he trying to make me feel bad for what he did? What an unbelievable jerk.

How does he expect me to believe all this after what he did to me?

"Do you even realize how insane that sounds?" I got even madder from his words. "How do you get close to someone by threatening them? Or why in the world would you want to get close to me in the first place. I'm nothing but a disastrous mess who does everything wrong and ruins everyone's lives just by existing."

Andrew got frustrated from listening to my complaints about myself. "Stop saying things like that. There's nothing wrong with you and if anyone says that there is and you need to change, it's them who actually need to look closer to see how wonderful you are. Don't ever say that again about yourself!"

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