69 - Dark Moon (Part 3)

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The first thing I heard before I opened my eyes was the sound a phone makes whenever someone is typing on the keyboard. The person who was writing the message seemed quite fast at it which made the whole situation even more uncomfortable because the last thing I needed in my life was for someone to interrupt my sleep. Not to mention the fact that my head was hurting really badly and I was feeling very disoriented even though my eyes were still closed.

As I finally decided it was time for me to finally wake up and pushed back my eyelids, I was greeted by a pure darkness. This obviously made me completely lose my marbles until everything slowly started to become clearer. My vision was still quite blurry but at least I could see the silhouettes. It took me a while to come to my senses but soon I realized what was going on. I was laying on a hospital bed with a few wires attached to my body. They were all connected to a screen that, I assumed, was monitoring my heart rate.

I rose my hand to rub my head since the pain that I experienced a few seconds ago was only getting more intense. When my fingers were about to make contact with my skin I touched an unfamiliar fabric which was wrapped around my head. It was soft but not very pleasant because it felt like this thing was cutting off my circulation. I really wanted to take it off but I didn't have much energy inside my body so that seemed practically impossible.

After I was done being discombobulated and my vision finally started to become clear, I threw a glance at the person who was still typing something on the phone. I was able to recognize my dear friend Felicity. Though there was something different about her but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. She probably just got a haircut because I couldn't remember her looking so tomboyish.

"Would you stop doing that, please? Or at least turn down the volume so I won't be able to hear how annoying your typing skills are!" I said jokingly but my voice sounded so rusty that it probably came out a bit more harshly than I intended to.

Felicity gave me a terrified glare when she heard my voice. For a moment she seemed perplexed. Her eyes almost doubled in size which looked super funny. It took her a minute to return to her normal self but once she calmed down a bit a giant grin covered her entire face. She quickly closed the distance between us and gave me a warm hug.

"It's nice to see you too!" I gently patted her back but her grip was so strong that I had to say something before she'd suffocate me. "I can't breathe..." I whispered quietly.

"Sorry..." She signed with her hands after disconnecting our bodies. "But tell me, how are you feeling? Does your head hurt?"

"A bit..." That was a huge understatement. "Why am I here though? What happened?"

"You mean you don't remember?" Felicity didn't seem too surprised by my confusion. "Your head got injured and you lost consciousness..."

"How did that happen exactly?" I questioned her since I realized she was trying to hide something from me.

"Don't worry about that. The most important thing is that you're okay now. You'll need all your energy to make a full recovery. I'll inform you everything after you get better..." She offered me a reassuring smile.

"If you say so..." I didn't pry any longer since I realized she actually had a point.

"Oh, I completely forgot to text Lucy and Andrew... They'll be so happy once they see your face..." Felicity seemed pretty excited but I couldn't share her enthusiasm.

"Wait, hold your horses," I gave her a skeptical glance. "Who the hell is Andrew?"

"Um... Your boyfriend..." She responded, looking baffled.

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